so many names

I like "Houdy" for it's faux-folksiness.

After 10 years of "found footage" horror films from Blair Witch to Paranormal Activity, that videotape dread is starting to get wired into our limbic system. It's part of my theory that the last nail in VHS's coffin was The Ring.

After a few episodes about Haddie it's a good bet that one or more of the next episodes revolves around Max losing his mind because Haddie's gone. How many stickers does he get for being cool about that?

Since it's NBC
This show will air four nights a week, all hosted by Stone Phillips.

New slogans from the Consumer Product, um, Safety Commission
Please drink lead responsibly.

New Emmy category: Sacramental assault
It's been a banner year. So hard to choose!

Fast food promotions
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Oh, Heller!
I was hoping this was a season-long exploration of Yossarian's previous 21 catches.

Stevie Washington, the angry youth!

For a minute there
I thought House was going to Taub into a Cuba Gooding Jr.-level diving suit to search the wreck.

Kelly Macdonald won an Emmy for this sort of role in "The Girl in the Cafe". Mrs. Schroeder's "Mother-may-I" outward conflict with taking another's power for her own is always followed by her taking it to the limit. She's trying Nucky's power on for size the way she tries on dresses. Like Nucky she's also finding

Chevy Chase is streets ahead.

Spider-Man: Turn on the Sirens
It's the "Event Horizon" of Broadway!

Did they run outta dough?
Seemed like each episode had less effects than the previous one, less exterior shots, less energy, less appearances from returning characters, and less extras/backround actors. Even the central Zoe and Tamra plots seemed to disappear in season 1.5! We went from bringing back the dead and


For the record, said the pinball nerd,
"RIDE THE FERRIS WHEEL!" is from Cyclone.

I like the show. (And Charles Martin Smith, for that matter.) It's very good. My point was that the show is suffering, audience-wise, by comparison BY THE GENERAL POPULATION to more popular work. Try to get some random, non-AV club person to watch this show without saying "Sopranos". I did. "Who's in it? You know,

They're in a state!
Michael and Michael have issues with this development.

"Boardwalk Empire" is Houdini's brother
Because of its pedigree, BE is being unfairly compared to "The Sopranos" and "Goodfellas". Historic Atlantic City and Chicago, shot in muted colors (excepting Sin City red blood), is not so compelling. Period detail is excellent, but no one's tuning in now for the saltwater

…is a real time saver.