so many names

Hey, men, plagiarism IS inherently lazy!

That's the way I remember it, too. I worked in radio at the time and the trades were full of ads for Nirvana for months before the video broke. By the first time that video showed on 120 Minutes, it felt like something that Geffen was trying to cram down our throats. It looked like they were trying to push a

"Kings" got Zuckered. We're lucky NBC aired all the episodes that were shot.

The development of this show parallels the development of Spengler's character. He went from being a dumbass in power who knows some connected people ("Get a briefcase, Will!") to a terrifying figure unleashing chaos of global proportions ("It's already started!") in such a graduated progression that you weren't sure

Amy Irving can still bring that icy stare
Kinda hoped she would blow up Taub in a fit of fury.

He just lost weight for this part.

@Quirk- That's "Bram and Alice" we're all trying to forget. The promos alone made me feel bad for Mr. Molina. I thought it woulda got more viewers if it was called "Bra and Malice".

Say "Thank you"
and then stop talking! Love the show, love Lauren Graham, but if I want to listen to her rattle off three pages of neurotic monologue in 13 seconds I'll bust out the wife's Gilmore Girls DVD's.

Test! Anyone else think Grant is Truxton's mole in Will's group? It would explain Grant's sense of entitlement— bring me the finest bagels and muffins in all the land!— and his overly disgruntled behavior after not being let out of the polygraph, um, test.

"Let's go some place darker"
It appeared Don was in a blackout when he started talking about Dick's parents. I thought he was going to spill everything right there, leaving us with a half-hour of Peggy coping with the revelations. Instead, they dropped that great line on us.

Here's a disturbing thought
Growing up Roman Catholic, and Irish Roman Catholic at that, I've seen how steeped the church is in ritual and symbolism.

A Very Special Episode
"You Killed Christ, Charlie Brown!"

If the Don Draper of the last three seasons is Superman, then salesman Dick Whitman who is really still trying on the Don Draper persona is absolutely Clark Kent. The twist of this show is that Don Draper is not really Superman. He's Dick Whitman. He's lucky he messed up with Doris and not Faye.

Meanwhile, in Leonardo
Randal is fuckin' loving this!

The business with the briefcase is a great example of how much better the show's last two episodes were than the first two. In the first two episodes Spangler is just a guy who's in charge because…well, because. Now we get that he's in charge because he knows the specifics of the trade right down the briefcase clasp

When we ALL say it's slow, that's called a "consensus". It's Latin for "everybody but you agrees". It is not, however, a conspiracy against you.

On the contrary
Giving the show a sampling in the summer is preferable to a fall premiere when it is this quirky. It took me three or four ads this spring before I recognized Bradley Whitford was in the thing, which got me to look at the first episode. When he said they were going to "find the humidifinder" I was

The Five Obstructions
First, Will Travers can't work for this organization and never have seen "Three Days of the Condor". I'm Will, who suspects some shadow conspiracy, involving Will Shortz apparently, that got my boss killed. Everyone is suspect, everyone is being watched. Ooh, I know! I'll just knock on people's

Cathy Ladman? Anyone?
IMDB is no help but I'd swear Cathy Ladman was one of the ham-fighting pepperpots, the one whose hair gets pulled. Do I hear a second?

Well, wadja expect?!
I believe "The Leadership Breakfast" has one of my favorite lines from Leo- "…we can't put a forkful of waffles in our mouth without coughing up the ball!" Everybody knows what he MEANS but if I cough up a ball through a forkful of waffles, I have bigger problems than mixed metaphors.