so many names

Too bad this movie was never made.
Soooo happy we never saw a full-length 3-D "Bear City".

Gregg Henry
deserves much more to do than posing for team pictures. Did he even have a line? The "Hung" creators used him plenty, to great effect, in "The Riches". Why not now?

What about Charlie?
Tanya's pimp mentor Charlie will have a bigger role to play, I think. They're having breakfast together, developing a professional rapport. Lenore is aggressive and adept at sucking all the oxygen out of a room, but Charlie could take her out of the picture pretty quick, not to mention Tanya's

Those Cisco ads w/ Ellen Page are getting really annoying.
"…we went to the faehrem [farm]"
Make it stop!

When banter stops
The moment that always gets me is Stanley telling Josh, "You're in nine kinds of pain." He's tired, angry, and his voice breaks a little, contributing to a tone of "You poor bastard. You can't comprehend how messed up you are right now."

Comic relief
I laughed for a full minute when Sean brought up his bouts of "sleep dancing".

Season 4 spoiler
Bobby Draper hates his dad so much he changes his name…

Nice insight, Doc Brown. Can the flux be controlled with some sort of…flux capacitor?

Pavel will be fine.
They just need to get him to Ethan's magic doctor. However, Jack is now responsible for the care and upkeep of all of Pavel's Sims.

You put a lot of thought into this. Maybe you DO think too much.

A dude playing a dude playing another dude!
Why put Hugh Laurie in full Renaissance garb, drop him into a Renaissance fair, and then NOT give him a chance to be a British actor playing an American doctor putting on a "fake" British accent?

Let's call it a day
Of course Renee got to the base in Central NJ AND BACK in an hour. With all the bridges and tunnels closed. Less than 18 hours after somebody blew up a helicopter in Manhattan with a My Little Missile. The checkpoints just smile and wave at Agent Hotness. Free tolls!

Re: "Walternate"
Olivia's inevitable murderous Earth-2 counterpart will be nicknamed "Oblivia". And she will die in a massive fire. Just puttin' it out there.

What a shame
But most of all, I'm happy he didn't start driving a cab right when he left the Box Tops. Our musical lives are much richer for his choice to hold on and try hard against unbelievable odds. So long, El Goodo.