so many names

"Roman Polanski's Pirates" with Walter Matthau was terrible. My friends and I were in our late teens and had nowhere else to go and had probably seen all the other movies out. I had recently seen Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, and The Odd Couple, so I figured "Great director, great actor, this should be great!" Nope. We

K20:The Widowremaker

The finale MUST end in an Awkward Pause with Craig sitting between Paul McCartney and Angela Lansbury.

I expect to see Don hanging out with Bighead at Arby's in Silicon Valley next week.

2 Put the Dome in the Dome 2 Dome Show

Herb Welch coulda covered this better.

Schmidt, put a trillion-dollar coin in the jar.

Hello. Puns on a Bun? Lemme get a Meatballs 2 and a Yellow Submarine. Oh, and a bottle of Hawaiian Puns.

"…maaaaaaaaaannnscaaaaaaapiiiiiiing…" FTW

What a relief! Thought they'd go with one episode per year for 14 years.

It helps that Jane Fonda knows plenty about Crazy Old Ted Turner.

Waiting for the video of Reiner saying "meat meat meat…" followed by Archie Bunker yelling "Meathead!" Get on it, Internet.

I thought it was part of the homage to George Carlin's in-the-round special.

What True American has united, let no Todd tear asunder.

Jeff enthusiastically called her "a nobody" right to her face. Not so romantic.

"Yes. I'll bet you have—"  (FIRES BLASTER) 

"Yes. I'll bet you have—"  (FIRES BLASTER) 

I thought Candyman was a former stockbroker. He won't step up and lend his girlfriend the dough to set up her business across the street?

I thought Candyman was a former stockbroker. He won't step up and lend his girlfriend the dough to set up her business across the street?

Second episode in a row where my prayer of "NO ZOMBIE BABIES" was answered. Between all the hand prints and the Dutch door, did anyone else think Darryl was going to have to crossbow a baby?