
And Zoolander 2!

This new season is needlessly complicated. Having each individual episode have footage from Cuatro (which, in a real season, would have been a season finale) made it too nonlinear and hard to follow. There will need to be Primer-esque videos recutting the season to make it play linearly to understand everything.

Respice post te! Hominem te esse memento! Memento mori!

But it's still arguably worse than classic AD, at least the first two seasons.

Actually, he's Herman Cain.

I am excited about how this will affect other drooling fandoms. That's right, Harmonites, this is what your precious Community would have been had Dan Harmon stayed. Shut up, Browncoats, if Firefly was brought back tomorrow, this is the drop-off of quality you would see. Stop worshipping the past, all of you. Let go

Exactly. the new Arrested Development season is exactly like the new Community season and there's nothing wrong about that.

Warren Ellis is a cryptofascist?

I like this partly for its premise, but mostly because it'd mean that Bernie Mac would be alive again.

Laugh and grow fast!

Zoolander 2… no wait, the second coming of the Arrested Development!!!

So would that make Due Date the Libyan War?

There's getting to be a backlash. Maybe not from significant others, but from people who actually use it. NoFap and similar movements are basically about trying to get away from easy electronic gratification.

A SoCal spy! Hang him!

When will there be a new Fort Minor album?

The problem with Inception is that, unfortunately, it's a product of the current generation. It's full of gloss and quick cuts and the rapid pace of modern movies. A lot of recent sci-fi films end up being unnecessarily complicated without taking the time for exposition.

By your town, you mean the entire internet.

Man those Faceless Man guys sound way overpowered.

Boobs are coming.

Are you referring to the Dornish? I think the jury is still out on how dark-skinned/European or non-European looking they are, but I'd like to think that the show runners will err on the side of diversity.