
I'm mostly making my complaint from an anti-racebending angle, but I guess Tyroshi are a European-looking race. It's just some of the (fan) art made him look like an Arab.He should still have his hair dyed blue at some point. Right now he just looks like a younger, not creepy version of Jaqen.

Another interesting character moment was when Tyrion reacted negatively to Sansa never wanting to sleep within him, thus reminding him that "valar tuperis" or whatever the Valyrian phrase is for "all men are too ugly to be bedded by at least somebody."

He comes back as a Watch ghost.

Time to get out the Hodor, then.

I'm going to repeat my complaint. They screwed the pooch by casting some white guy as Daario Naharis instead of Naveen Andrews from LOST or Oded Fehr from The Mummy.

Very disappointed in the show runners for the casting of Daario Naharis. He's not even Braavosi, even though he vaguely resembles Jaqen, especially in the hair style. I looked his character up and he looks far more Arab and not-white. They should have gotten Naveen Andrews from LOST or Oded Fehr from the Mummy to play

For all of the lead-up of being a sacrificial lamb, Gendry didn't have to contend with anything life-ending, or even anything on the level of Theon. It would have been cool if he had cried "Uncle! Uncle!" at Stannis as he was pleading for the leeching to end, though.

Season 8 has the Miami arc, which, while it did not go anywhere, showed that Dwight had what it takes to become a leader, albeit a dysfunctional one.

Oh, whew, I thought he had passed away or something. Leaving SNL these days is like the opposite of that.

These threads are the Zuccotti Park of this site, and y'all are the Britta's of the posting class. Stay on topic, you bums!

So whatever happened to Brian, anyway?

And for the second part, "evil admirals try to take over/militarize Starfleet" is an idea that's been done before, but in this film it's not really explored clearly. It doesn't have anything detailed, but we should at least find out what that entails and why it's bad. "The Emperor has dissolved the Senate… regional

The twist at the very beginning of The Bourne Supremacy, at least in contradiction of what the promos at the time were showing.

It's the libertarian loophole.

Well, there's that and they showed that Michael was an excellent salesman and worked well with clients.

The office was about… the labor aristocracy!!! *You clap your hands to your cheeks and go "AAAAUGH!!!"*

They turned Wolf 359 into a morgue. To hell with the Borg!

He was an elder statesman come home.

Don't forget that in both films the villain attacks a building from a hovering aircraft at some point.

One more criticism I had of this film- I enjoyed it, but it's just a very interestingly flawed film- is that it mimics its predecessor in a bunch of ways. From the humanoid enemy from a dark past, to the huge overpowered ship they have to fight, to the aforementioned "Kirk and Spock get into a fight over rules and