Massive peasant rebellion.
Massive peasant rebellion.
By the time a conclusion is within sight, HBO will have already been bought by Netflix-Paramount and will have the sufficient resources to afford both anti-aging treatments for its actors and a Hollywood movie.
I hope the Dorne plotline gives them a reason to cast a bunch of people with darker skin tones.
Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't even look like Benedict Cumberbatch. No one looks like that name, which is why it's awesome. He should play a villain called Benedict Cumberbatch, or at least something like Montgomery Sassenach. Horatio Taoiseach.
I wouldn't, because that's the most white-bread name I've heard of since Jonathan Archer. Though, it would be an amazing trolling of the Trekkies who expected the name to be an alias for Khan, only to discover that Kirk's worst enemy is some guy named John.
To me, the whole conceit of the conspiracy seems like an Ouroboros swallowing its own tail. Klingons are aggressive -> Admiral guy want to militarize Starfleet -> Section 31 wakes Khan, have him make superweapons -> he lashes out at them in terrorist attacks -> Starfleet presumably militarizes in response -> mission…
I just thought it was kinda ignominious and grimy for the wrath of Khan to end there. It just seems so mundane.
Maybe it could be argued as the best movie of the Bond movies, but it's hard to claim that it is the best Bond movie.
And then George Wallace becomes president? Truly that is the darkest timeline.
The dumbest parts of the movie:
Okay, hold on, I had assumed that the admiral did know about the guys in the torpedoes, because he wants to both kill Khan's crew and Khan at the same time, to cover up all evidence of his crimes.
Super unlikely given how the first movie of this reboot series already involved time travel. But I like this idea.
Sci-fi author John C. Wright is some sort of Islamophobe libertarian kook, but his criticisms of His Dark Materials give a better ending (
Which Star Trek villain should Benedict have played instead? My money's on Garth of Izar, mostly because of the name and his origin (former Starfleet hero).
Jack Sparrow died at the end of the second Pirates movie, and they had the big reveal with Barbossa coming back to life. That was pretty cool.
Are you kidding me? The original MI was an espionage film at its finest.
Now I'm imagining what it would be like if it really was Picard. They wouldn't do that in the movie since it would be too similar a plot twist to the first, but I'm wondering what would cause Jean-Luc to go back in time and act evilly. Maybe he attacked Section 31 for a good reason?
"Han and Leia's kids fighting a reincarnated Emperor." - well, that is canon. At least half of it.
Also, why did they save Pike in the last film if he was only going to get killed so quickly in this film?