
You will never get your pizza. If you do they will taste like genitalia and be served in hell. Your parents begat a worthless spammer and lament your existence every day. Community sucks now and it's all your fucking fault.

Hesperides can fucking choke on all of the cock-flavored pizzas he or she wants, and die in a fire of being banned. Community will suck in the next season and in all seasons onwards, all of its cast members to leave amidst drama or to run their own self-aggrandizing side projects, and it's all Hesperides' fault. Fuck

Aren't there, like, suburban dads trying to cook meth now, Weeds-style?

Yo mama's just a stone cold killa, bro.

Do people in those states just not own pockets

the Shrike

We'll see if he gets a time to shine next season, or the one after.

"Since you're comparing BB to the Sopranos, what did that family get out of it? A tacky house, some cars and a lifetime of stress, conflict and worry."

Starkly grrm, more like.

This event was pretty much Romeo and Juliet mashed up with Julius Caesar and Hamlet, so he deserved it in a Shakespearean sense, I guess.

Let's just say that it's called Seven Kingdoms for a reason.

The two throats getting slit at the end looked a bit cheesy, heavy on the arterial spray.

Yer a wizard, Tarly!

Yer a wizard, Tarly!

Dan Harmon's firing was a false flag conspiracy designed to get ratings up for S5 and to somehow cause Chevy Chase to leave the show.

I mean, it's not like he has any other place to be on NBC, with both 30 Rock and Up All Night gone.

Honestly, I think Community devolved into fan servicey running-things-into-the-ground when they brought back paintball, and had it last two episodes.

Rebel Fleet.

Mark Ruffalo used a body double- his near identical twin, that guy who played the wacky uncle from Grounded for Life.