
Did the entire AVC staff collectively forget that James Blake's "Overgrown" was released in 2013? Shocked that that one didn't at least place on this list.

This is kind of a bizarre analysis from whoever Julie Klausner is, mainly because she seems to be painting Pam as some sort of Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which I really don't think is the case. The point has been made below, but I don't think the Jim-Pam connection really has anything to do with their record collections,

In response to @disqus_9Id5jLcXU4:disqus : Regardless of what you think of "Survivor Man," Carell also wrote "Casino Night," so cut the man some slack.

Definitely a grower — does a good job of mixing Julian Casablancas's solo sound with a more traditional Strokes vibe.

Ah yes, the ranking thread. Let's do this.

I'm a huge Coldplay fan, and will firmly stand by Parachutes, Rush of Blood, Viva, and even Mylo Xyloto as excellent albums, but even I can't quite go to bat for X&Y. I feel like there is a good album buried somewhere in there, as there are definitely a few standout tracks (Square One, Fix You, Speed of Sound, etc),

I'm in the same boat with regards to King Kong. While I can certainly see why the movie's running time might turn some people off, that flaw, in my opinion, is more than made up for by solid casting, some great action set pieces, and fantastic mocap work from Andy Serkis.

I'm in the same boat with regards to King Kong. While I can certainly see why the movie's running time might turn some people off, that flaw, in my opinion, is more than made up for by solid casting, some great action set pieces, and fantastic mocap work from Andy Serkis.

Definitely not a C-. A lot of uneven sketches, but that sort of seems to be par for the course this season. Mars wasn't great, but I don't think he really hindered any of the sketches he was in.

Definitely not a C-. A lot of uneven sketches, but that sort of seems to be par for the course this season. Mars wasn't great, but I don't think he really hindered any of the sketches he was in.

I guess I understand some of the criticisms directed towards this guy, but does the fact that he gave us "We Have the Facts, and We're Voting Yes" and the Postal Service not earn him at least some goodwill?

I guess I understand some of the criticisms directed towards this guy, but does the fact that he gave us "We Have the Facts, and We're Voting Yes" and the Postal Service not earn him at least some goodwill?

This might actually be the most patently ridiculous thing that Rush Limbaugh has ever put forth…and this is Rush Limbaugh we're talking about.

This might actually be the most patently ridiculous thing that Rush Limbaugh has ever put forth…and this is Rush Limbaugh we're talking about.

So pumped for this. My one concern, though, is that with all of the new characters being introduced, TDKR might be at risk of suffering from some Spider-Man 3-style bloat.

After seeing that fan-made poster for a Walt Disney biopic starring Ryan Gosling, any attempts at such a film without a healthy dose of the Gos is just going to be tremendously disappointing.

This kid has cancer…in his ass!

After this episode, I've become convinced that NBC needs to forget about the rumored Dwight spin-off…and get production going on the Florida Stanley Show.

I honestly think that Rachel McAdams has talent as an actress, but the fact that she keeps picking roles like these…someone needs to find a new agent.

Honestly one of my favorite comedies of all-time. As I watching it, I kept fearing that the director was going to compromise the whole "dark comedy" angle by copping out and giving in to a typical Hollywood resolution, but that hilariously shocking ending put those fears to rest, to say the least.