
Spidey didn't joke in the Raimi trilogy? How could anyone forget "It's you who's out Gobby…OUT OF YOUR MIND!"

The fact that Extremely Loud scored a Best Picture nomination at all, but especially over Drive, might actually be a crime against humanity. I'm calling the Hague.

As has become something of the standard for this season, kind of a "meh" episode with a few nice moments scattered throughout. I will say, though, that it was nice to see a callback to the earlier seasons with Dwight referencing the Angela conflict and Andy's line about not having proposed in years.

Yeah, I see Because of the Times as the perfect synthesis between the southern rock of their first two albums and the stadium rock direction that they more thoroughly embraced on Only By The Night. For me, it's hands-down the best album in their discography.

I still don't completely understand the backlash that's taken place over the past few years against KOL. Their first two albums were solid in a Southern Strokes-y sort of way, and I will staunchly defend Because of the Times as a great album. Only By The Night was definitely an attempt by them to move into the

Saw this one over the Thanksgiving break, and it definitely exceeded my expectations, which had been kind of lowered by the decidedly mixed reviews that it's been getting.

I actually found the old-age makeup on DiCaprio and Watts to be fairly believable. You're right about Hammer's makeup, though. My God, he looked like a burn victim encased in cheap latex.

Kind of off-topic, but how awesome would a Daniel Day-Lewis-hosted SNL be?

Yeah, but most of that violence in TDK was of the cutaway/quick flash/implied sort (I'm thinking the pencil kill, Lau being set on fire, etc).

If you thought Death Cab was angsty before…brace yourself.

I actually really enjoyed Mr. Woodcock in a completely disposable, guilty-pleasure sort of way. I don't know what the studio had on Billy Bob Thornton to rope him into doing it, but I thought he was hilarious. The scene with him berating the seniors in the pool gets me every time.

I had heard about this film being in development a few months ago, but I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, the studio would make an adaption actually loyal to the book.

Yeah, the production on X&Y was decent, but even then, it was a bit heavy on the whole reverb-heavy, "spacey atmosphere" feel. I remember one reviewer (kind of accurately) describing it as an album that sounded like it was recorded inside of a spaceship.

I'm a huge Coldplay fan *ducks*, but even I can't give X&Y "great album" status. A few standout tracks (Fix You, Speed of Sound, Square One), but also a lot of filler, and some of Chris Martin's most cringe-inducing lyrics to date (basically all of Swallowed in the Sea).

Frankly, Coldplay has too much mainstream popularity to ever gain any sort of widespread acceptance by the crowd that reads and comments on AV Club articles. Someone else in this comment section makes the point that if a more obscure, "indie" band recorded this song, or any of Coldplay's other songs/albums, it would