
She raised far more money and she received 4 million more votes. At this point, Trump would be begging for that kind of pussy kicking. Bernie, by the way, is also wayyy more qualified than Trump.

Logic dictates that the qualification for being a bus driver is that you've driven a bus before. In this analogy Clinton has driven the bus before Trump has not. You're entitled to the opinion that she did a bad job driving the bus doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't know the gas from the brake. I'm also

Drawing an equivalence between the two is stupid. You may not like her but if a former Senator and Secretary of State isn't qualified to be president of this country, then who is? Also in this country the "competence" of your campaign is largely measured by how much money you raised. Hillary has kicked everybody in

Look, someone with more time would probably have a field day fact checking all this for you but I will make it very simple. Republicans picked a terrible, unqualified candidate. The candidate is running a terrible campaign. On merit alone Trump doesn't deserve to win. Which is why he is losing. Which is why we will

Hillary was in the Senate, genius.

Dylan has already been seen walking around with a gold chain with a medallion that says "NGOP".

The mustache is just a clump of the same hair they use for whiskers.

Isn't this just the sexy Minnie Mouse outfit with pants instead of a skirt and a microphone instead of ears?

Wow, a friend of mine had an almost identical situation with a neighbor for playing music during the daytime. The lady had an unreasonable standard for what constituted "loud" music but what always bothered him most was that she would call the police and make a complaint instead of just knocking on his door and asking

Calling the police on his neighbors was the one that got me.

The point he made at the end is that black men are treated like shit too, so why is it on him to bridge that gap.

I actually may need someone to explain that one to me. The clerk asked for $1.49 and those cans used to say "$.99 Great Deal" or something like that. But I don't think they put the price on the can anymore? Was that the joke? Or am I missing something?

Whatever it is I think that red sweater is hiding some tomato sauce stains of some kind.

I personally welcome a thinning out of their ranks.

"Here's the part of the record. Where I'd like everybody to stand up. Throw their hands in the air and kiss my ass 'Cause your girlfriend still loves me"

I actually prefer that Xtra-Acme to the proper album.

There was also Butter 08 which was a one off project with Russell Simins and the girls from Cibo Matto. Yeah, in that era it just seemed like all those artist had a good community to exchange ideas. Many of those artist were primarily from the NY art scene but it was so cool that they incorporated so many different

We don't really count mid terms in this country. We only get up and vote for the fairly meaningless exercise of voting for president.

Well, there you go, voting against your own self interest.

I hate to tell you this, but in three more years we start the whole thing over again.