
And that's what makes you cool, not caring.

Let's not forget that Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson actually lead at one point.

50%? According to Trump, only stupid people pay that much.

I thought the whole sexy Col. Sanders look was already patented by Jack White.

It must really be galling to be losing to her. Maybe next time your party can pick an actual human being as a candidate and run a better campaign. If you truly live in the meritocracy that right wingers live in can you say with a straight face that Trump deserves to win? His campaign has been total garbage.

Exactly, treating PTSD and depression with conventional drugs is also pretty much a guessing game for the medical community. Doctors try to come up with a cocktail that alleviates the symptoms but it's mostly through trial and error. They referenced this process in the last episode with the whole "shut up pills"

If relevance means being the biggest band on the planet and irrelevance mean still charging $100 a ticket to be seen in a huge arena and selling more copies of an album than any current "guitar based" rock band, sign me up for irrelevance.

I don't know. "Pickin' Cotton Blues" is basically the distillation of everything great about the genre.

Actually, for PTSD in particular, cannabis is being studied as possible treatment. So far, studies have yielded positive results:

The whole Trump campaign is nothing but a collective tantrum being thrown by middle-aged, white, males. Hannity knows he's losing a grasp on their base of power and the best he can do is whine.

As compared to who? The Mexican media? I don't think you'll like their take on it either.

I was on probation from the age of 19-21 and took a drug test every month. I never failed a drug test, and at the time I smoked herb pretty much every day. 2 hours is a tight window for a daily smoker but if you only smoked once (presumably, considering her conversation with Alfred) you could use a masking agent. The

For future reference: 24 head shops sell those fake pee things and cleansers. Also, in a pinch, dissolve a packet of fruit pectin in a gallon of water and down it. It's nasty and will probably give you the green apple splatters but it will give you about a 6 hour window of clean pee.

I'm still not convinced that he would not die of dehydration during 90 minutes of debates.

And arguing over who supported a war that was started by a Republican president with a Republican majority in Congress, and championed by Fox News and their mouth breathing AM radio ilk.

I'm pretty sure Katz's Never Kloses is it's own chain. Maybe a distant relative that uses the name. As late night food it's still pretty damn good. For lunch I prefer Kenny & Ziggy's, even though I always consider it a little nutty to drop $25 on a sandwich and chips, free pickles notwithstanding.

The half time show is suppose to have the broadest appeal possible. For the people that may not watch another football game the rest of the year but watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.

All joking aside I've heard the opening riff to Waiting Room as bumper music during NFL games more than once. How is that even possible?

The last time the Super Bowl was held at this stadium Janet Jackson's nipple made an appearance. Let's hope Lady GaGa has plans on topping that performance.

A very confused (and horny) 12 year old me caught this in the middle of the night on HBO a few decades ago. The "nothing is better than a rolls" scene is forever etched in my brain.