
Does my homemade porn count as content?

There has been a running thing with Darius and dogs but yeah, the dog fighting thing occurred to me last week also. Although that breed looked more like a bloodhound/ hunting dog type.

The other thing it brought to mind was Michael Vick (who played in Atlanta). The idea that you may not want the help of the people that come to your defense and the fact that in the end it's the black dude that gets escorted out at gun point.

He actually was the only one that looked comfortable playing basketball. I wonder how many times those guys had to shoot lay ups before they got a take they could use.

Having said that, I think the obvious theme of the vingette was the idea that violence against animals is still more frowned upon than violence against other human beings. To me they were more archetypes that stood in for ideas than stereotypes.

More or less. I think if a redneck is at the gun range he's probably more likely to be in a militia too. I assume a lot of things about people who fetishize guns.

It was also funny as shit that Darius accepted their help and then the Arab dudes immediately went too far on some Jihad shit. His expression was priceless.

I always assumed it was bechamel with lemon, I guess the yellow color has to come from somewhere. I'm not a chef by any means. I'd say I'm confusing it with bernaise sauce but I think that's egg yolks too.

He really is 3 steps ahead of everyone.

I was following NPR's fact checking during the debates and Trump practically lied (or was mistaken) in every declarative statement he made. His statements about crime increasing, his statements about stop and frisk, even his denials about previous statement he himself had made. If Holt stopped him every time to

Mother sauce is generally a phrase used to describe a base sauce. The same way a bechamel is the base for a hollandaise, or cream gravy, or the cheese sauce in macaroni and cheese. It's just a starting point.

I read an interview with John Waters once where he said every generation should have a pop cultural movement that shocks the previous generation. Millennials aren't trying to rock but they haven't replace it with their form of rocking either. Forget Van Halen they don't even have their Van Hagar.

That fruitcake does ballet in all 50 states? Pass.

Trump gets to open his mouth in front of an audience that isn't completely in the bag for him tonight. Let's see how this plays out before we start worrying about Hilary's lead.

Trump also has to win a plurality of women and that seems unlikely also.

The idea that it is now being debated whether or not a moderator should point out false statements is the perfect illustration of that point. Someone correctly documenting a fact is now considered to some as out-of-bounds for political discourse.

It's actually a breed of lynx from the Andes.

. . . about 45% by my estimation.

I'm actually a one issue voter, in that I usually vote against the pro-extinction level event candidate.

That's cool, I prefer this plate of enchiladas while I drive.