
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a decent commenting system today.

"Bronx", really? You're a local paper, you should do better than that. Might as well just write "Angeles City".

I think they've been adding a lot of great characterization for Kanan too, but I could not care less about Ezra. And Zeb is not much more than comic relief.

I can't disagree with any of that, but it also seems to get the spiritual side of the force better than anything else in the new canon. And its that understanding that I'd be really excited to see merged into the new movies.

Obviously Rebels isn't as good as Clone Wars, but I think a lot of that comes down to 2 things: the massively reduced budget and lowering the target age group. Lucas always loved Filoni and CW and made sure it had a budget that was massive compared to its actual viewership.

Oddly, Star Wars contracts only allow directors to be replaced by wet blankets from '70s sitcoms. Ed Asner is next in line.

I just want to mention how awesome every second of Obi-Wan in Rebels is. They do a really great job presenting him as the master Jedi in exile. Evolved from the wise-cracker of the prequels into the sage of the OT.

Man, I will get a little misty-eyed sitting at my desk if I even start thinking about Ikiru. As well known as Kurosawa is for the samurai films, I think he had just as many modern-set masterpieces.

The Third Man
Seven Samurai*

I didn't really have an opinion of Mr. D'Onofrio before this, but I found him really charming here.
It's obvious he has actual preferences and reasoning for them, and the fact that he's willing to engage with the AV Club at these sorts of events in this manner is laudable.

Every time a new Arcade Fire album has come out, it's taken me 3 listens to really enjoy.
I really didn't like Reflector on first listen, but a few weeks later I was listening to it on continuous repeat.

"The Moon knew of his…weakness."
"True that Zipster."

I'm of two minds when he says things like that.

I remember going to see this with a bunch of friends. We ended up being pretty evenly split between loving it and hating it.

The first thing I saw him in was Half Nelson which blew me away.
I haven't seen Drive or The Notebook, but he's pretty perfect in The Nice Guys.

Well, some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.

The idea of both removing nesting and chronological sort is insane.
Apparently Kinja would prefer that conversation become individuals screaming into the void.

Yutes? What is a yute?

I remember practicing to execute the absurdly long chain needed to throw your lightsaber.

Deadpool wasn't perfect but it nailed the tone of the comics and a large part of that is the casting.
And the more I see of Josh Brolin, the more he does seem like the Cable off the page*. https://www.instagram.com/p…