
Yes, but misshapen.
What I'm saying is: I don't like the cut of this hoojib.

Man, I found the whole grandfathering accounts as non-grays really distasteful.

Does it require a Disqus account?
Personally, that's a much a non-starter for me as requiring a Kinja account.

The only show on MTV that I found more confounding was Boiling Points.
A show that rewarded people for being passive aggressive pushovers.

Trick question.
Loam. The answer is always loam.

Never stopped.

Huh, I'm a Senior Web Developer looking for work. But somehow I don't think they'll be interested in my suggestion of using an open source BBS and disabling all cross-site login.

I was taught that it was in reference to governers on steam engines. As the engine spins faster and faster centrifugal force pushes the balls farther and farther out. Max RPM is when the balls have fully extended, since the room was usually no bigger than that, the balls would be at the walls.

I came here to be sanctimonious and chew bubblegum…and I'm all out of gum.

I mean, probably not. But I would be genuinely grateful if someone could explain what they like about these.

I have the same problem with Cards Against Humanity. You smashed 2 distasteful concepts together? Sure let's pretend that's a joke.

I also don't get what's funny about Football in the Groin.
That football sure did hit that man in the groin, and he sure did feel pain. hah?

Man, I never get these "the last x is y" things. What about recontextualizing conversations is amusing to people? The most reaction any of these could hope to elicit is "that does make a good slogan" or "it would be odd if that was their slogan"

I'm definitely saving that last page to deploy at a later date when I need to explain my life to someone.

PSA: If you live in New York or LA your public library card now gives you access to the Kanopy streaming service, which has tons of Criterion films.

One of my friends old roommates was a Lebanese BioMed Post-doc, whose brain was fascinating to pick. To me, he was really emblematic of 3rd world thinking. Very intelligent and highly educated, but no concept of how the world actually worked.

"I myself am an abolitionist…" Okay, I'm going have to check out this movie.

Huh, that's bit of a mouthful* and probably doesn't help the fact that many Americans forget the Coast Guard when enumerating the military branches.