
Tailored best of
The only Morrissey best of that anyone can truly make is on cassette. It'll be a mix of alienation, favorite songs, and righteous indignation.

Pile up, furries!

rilly uncalled-for
When I was little, I always equated Big Bird's voice with that of Alan Alda and thus equated the two for a long time.

More reviews of electronic music? Please?

Writers' coments
I think it's super cool how active you guys are being in the comments! Thanks, Tasha and Noel!

This is all Pitchfork's fault, somehow.

I am very worried for Mr. Rabin. Please make sure, sir, that you do not indulge in your guilty pleasures alone, or you might suffocate.

Puffy taco!

That was one of my beefs with The Prisoner (a show I dearly love). Just about every Rover scene was shot and the reused ad infinitum. It took what I think of as a scary concept to "Oh. Rover. Again." Because after we'd seen it in the intro every episode and then seen the footage over and over . . . meh.

between the way Tomei looks and the fact that PSH is her husband.

The most important question is:
Is the last line of the book, "Prepare for re-entry"?

this is corny, but . . .
When My Boy Walks down the Street by Magnetic Fields gets my vote, amongst lots of the aforementioned songs!

freestyle walking with Spiritualized! it works!

Ice-T is really short. I passed him in the crowd at Lollapalooza, and have marvelled forevermore.

Nobody's mentioned Sun Kil Moon's album of Modest Mouse covers!

had to get this off my chest
One horrid cover of a beloved song is "It's My Life" by No Doubt. How could they do that to Talk Talk?

so, when are we
going to start bashing Andrew Bird?

Mark Kozelek
So does Mark Kozelek have a cameo as a homeless man?

the real question
is whether or not in this movie Gosling sits in his parents' garage and sucks on a glass pipe.

you had me at
mannequin/sex toy.