
D'Ya think I'm sexy
Geez. I remember in an episode of Facts of Life, the slutty blonde one was trying on a dress for a dance. In the background was Rod Stewart, and she was swooning over him.

Phil Collins and Stewart Copeland
Why can't pop be good? Phil Collins is somebody I remember fondly.

ass-sex sounds?

angel momma
I watched this show once to see how bad it could be (answer: yes), and what I remember most is Criss Angel's mother standing, hands clasped, tears in her eyes, while Criss performed HIS MOST DANGEROUS STUNT EVER! I changed the channel after that moment.

This a few days ago
I'm going back to bed. But honestly, ortenzia01, the Nash ad is disturbing me.

Owen Wilson week!

Nobody be mean to JOE11
He's in a tank, fer Chrissakes!

what *has* happened over the last week or so? Even my comments are more pointless and late in the thread!

but the real question is:
Did Bill play saxophone?

You saw EC 20 years ago?

the picture + the ad
This article is flanked by Wes Anderson's photo and the ad of Steve Nash's bloody nose. I need to bleach my eyes.

you would prefer the term hepcat, no?

Awesome MYOF!!!!

Don't forget Vivica Fox as Miss B. Havin, or whatever.

Now that I've read how glamorous heroin is, I think I'll try to score.

??? covers
Turns out that the covers I grew up with were not the originals, but rather portrayed the investigators as looking a bit older and very 70's.

golden gilt
Man, oh man. I didn't know that anybody but me loved the Three Investigators series. Even now, I think about some of my favorite scenes—and it's fun to think of what they'd be doing today. Another aspect I liked about the series is that I came to the books in the early 80's— the covers with the guys in

Crabs walk sideways and lobsters walk straight, so they won't let me take you for a mate . . .

Actually, what Voight did to Ned Beaty's stunt butt is the real crime.

I too recently rewatched The Prisoner (hey! speaking of cool titles . . .), all of it, and was again disappointed how the series as a whole falls down towards the end, despite my love of the better beginning episodes. The comic book has always been awesome, though.