
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Kubrick for both great credits and excellent tracking shots. But the ones cited above all rock. I think I just like 'em overall.

Wow. So I went to nerve.com and read an article that Amelie wrote about Rachel Ray. Then I read the comments, and I was shocked by the vituperation on display by the readers. The article itself was pretty even-handed, I thought, but comments were kind of relentless. I'm not familiar with the site itself

I second hodgman
If he doesn't get his show . . . Ragnorok!!

she *is* in her fucking cave . . .

sweetness follows . . .
is so me drinking a martini before going out to get rat-assed.

Time travel!
I'm from a small town , and the college radio station played The Cult ad nauseum until way after I graduated high school in the mid-nineties. It's officially "played out" ad infinitum for me and my friends. unless I'm all sorts of fucked up. Like right now.

beard week
Look, I'm just relieveed that the Sam Beam picture is not as large as it was a few days ago. There's something about his eyes that followed me around the room. Blech!

Wait . . . what's the connection? I'm dying to know. If it made civpro better, can't be all bad.

these Ryan Adams threads
are comedy gold!

Da Plane!
Yes, Airwolf . . . but what about Fantasy Island?

I would fall out too if I saw a Prada skit. Who knew she was dramatic?

Yeah, I remember the SRV episode. Awesome.

When I was younger, ACL only had c&W acts. Or am I wrong?

Is it just me or are the message boards weird today? Everybody's strange. Are you really in a tank, JOE 11?

These comments are out of order, aren't they?

Massachusetts. . .ians
Hey, The Pig in Zen, the proper term is "Masshole"—you knew that, right?

The Feelies
When are these excellent albums going to be back in print? I've seen random records for sale over the years, but cd's would be nice!

If you like Austen so much, you should be clear that Austen novels were written and set in the Regency period and were decidedly not Victorian as Austen died before the beginning of Victoria's reign.

New Seuss Movie!
Horton Heat Hears A Who!

not to be a debbie downer . . .
But their newer stuff like Hello Nasty seems to be too like the older stuff for me to quit listening to, say, Paul's Boutique.