JK Polk

As a former MUN nerd, all that makes me want to do is see the movie.

I am totally bringing that to the next potluck that I go to. Thanks.

They're thrown into the pit at the edge of town to die like the vermin they are. Only the strong survive at ABC!

I know, Jessa has always been a little too quirky for the sake of it. The whole episode made her really likable and sympathetic, but the ending especially made me love her.

It really is.

I don't know guys. When I was 12 years old I was writing "The Boatman's Call." 

I don't know guys. When I was 12 years old I was writing "The Boatman's Call." 

Oh, Girls. They're a take charge type of group for sure.

Cause if there's one candidate who meddles in too much shit, it is Ron Paul.

It is seriously misogynistic, but also very very good. Still don't know how to reconcile that, but I've been listening to it non stop so, maybe I don't need to.

Impressive, now release your anger.

I didn't know 16 year olds came that plastic…

The Antlers need to be in there too, for the extra mopey factor.

Yeah, the daddy issues they can get into will be really compelling stuff.

Also, am I missing some rule or something. Why was The Cleveland Show nominated over Archer… Seriously, what am I missing here cause that makes absolutely no sense.

At least Glee has the balls to fail spectacularly, Big Bang Theory is just boring.

Pudi absolutely deserves a nod for the My Dinner With Andre ep alone! He was great in that— much better than Chris Colfer has been in any episode of Glee.

I do sketch at UCB NY which I like solely because it only attracts comedians, not actors. It makes the classes more helpful to not have those people in there who have no concept of comedy.

Oh, Benedict Cumberbatch— such insane cheek bones.

FINALLY, they can do that Neutral Milk Hotel episode we've all been dying for. Personally, I cannot wait to hear Leah MIchelle needlessly scream Two Headed Boy.