JK Polk

Yeah, there is a difference between largely socailist and largely liberal. France is a socailly conservative, kind of socailist country.

Ever since the whole Vicy thing, the french have been REALLY sesative about Nazi jokes.

May 21- the greatest day ever!!
(that's what the subway posters say, anyway).

Perhaps it was… a bridge too far?? (wakity shamckity dooo)

Yeah, I was hardcore in love with that song a few years back. And there were some fantastic re-mixes of it too.
I love how they throw in odd little indie songs here and there with Glee. Sure, they're all about 5 years old, but at least some kid will maybe go listen to some sweet electro-pop thanks to that.

Thier lost dignity.

chat rooms


90s Time
For some reason reading Paula Abdul and Cheryl Cole in the same paragraph made me think that Paula Cole would be on the panel. Someone should put that woman in a reality show.

They made it.

It doesn't just take place in Harlan— that's just where the bulk of it takes place.

Isn't Joaquin a little old? And isn't Robert Pattinson a little too- lame?

I think we should all judge the quality of the film before it even starts shooting. Especially cause the other ones were so good.

And Lo! Pinfield rose from the dead as Lazurus before him- and he did speak of indie rock, and he did quote pitchfork and all was good in the underground.

They should just have him be Larry King. Making fun of Larry King never, ever gets old. As witnessed by the Kevin Pollack show.

Pshycotic breaks are notoriously hilarious.

Casey Barteau

Yay John Hawkes!!
I want him to win so badly. Sucky I'll be so disapointed.

@Avery Jessup
Yeah, he is our Justin Bieber. Whoes our Lady Gaga?

blerg. Stupid double post.