JK Polk

that guy getting a firework shot out of his ass is definitely one of the commentators on Terrace House….right?

Matador didn't fuck up - the lawyers and the publishing house that lied about having US rights to the song fucked up. Matador just owns the master, not the publishing (necessarily).

Nothing - Vertigo Flowers
ANOHNI - Drone Bomb Me
Chance the Rapper - No Problem
Eagulls - Skipping
Islands - No Milk, No Sugar

I 100% want a prequel. Normally that's a bad idea, but when you have something as awesome as The Continental then it's a great idea.

Nope, those boys are partiers.

Oh good, so it's actually dramatizing the landmark decision Batman v. Superman, in which the court unanimously struck down the over 20hr a day super hero work week.

Dolly Parton - 9 to 5

I share an office with the company that made this— we have literally listened to the song 50+ times every day for about two months. I will never be able to listen to it again, which is sad. But hey, glad the videos doing well!

Tis a far, far better thing

Hey can eat pizza topped with ice cream every damn day, as long as it means he is writing.

With Sly and the Family Stone on the off nights.

It's only tuesday, this doesn't bode well for the rest of the week.

I did too-. and I was so excited until I realized that NBC would never do that and then I got sad again.


It was absolutely missing something, I can agree with that. But it's not like the episode was the oposite of Batman.

It does have a bunch of really great quick jokes, but the whole thing with Jeff, Britta and the teenagers is kinda meh. The best part of the episode are the little jokes with Troy and Abed. Like the goat. I love that goat.

This was a great read. That is all.

Oh yay! OMR is the greatest, and often hilarious.

I always have a bowl of olives by the toilet. I live in a fancy apartment.

I'm debating the food to serve at my Community premier party. Chicken Fingers? Caesar Salad? Cookies shaped like goatees?