
For some reason, they decided to tweet a GIF of Mystique being choked to promote the movie. I pointed out that this could be perceived as misogynistic, i.e. "Come watch this really cool movie where you get to watch a man choke a woman who is much smaller and physically weaker than himself!" Needless to say, some

Mystique can turn into a boy if she wants to.


I'm also supposed to buy that both he and Fassbender are in their fucking 50's now.

I azure you, you cyan do it!

Well, you don't want to just Prussian with a pun.

Mystique never had her own movie until she learned this one trick!

Unfaithful. -10.

Oh, you charmer . . .

Someone auditioning to be a third, I guess? You down?

How much time or how much tongue?

I want to be stuck on your head all night. He-yo!

My name is Arby's and I'm here to say,
My food will make your poop turn oily and gray!

I was hoping for Prince or Bowie.

I'm glad you showed up! I keep waiting for The Taco Bell Bell to comment.

It is actually in two other articles right now, so . . .

Some Guy You Never Heard Of Wrote A Jingle You Forgot About And I Can't Stop Laughing

I knew about him after he was forgettable.

I texted you. Now the world knows that I have your phone number and no good will come of it.

Not sure if insult or compliment.