
Harambe Lives!

Do you finish each other's

Isn't she too old for him to legally adopt?

You're such a Grapist.

Maybe they think we were asking for it, the way we comment here all alone, late at night, tempting the trolls with our empathy and citations.

We can block people now? This won't end well!

Why would you come to a website full of progressives if you dislike them so intensely?

The road to hell is paved with stirred shit, it seems.

Wouldn't it be funny if like five women accused Presto Changeo of rape right now?

You think that semen heated to a temperature that causes first degree burns may not in fact contain viable sperm? Who told you that? Science?

That scene was what really underwhelmed me about Gerald's Game. A few books before this, he was all, "LOOK HOW HOT AND RIGHT THIS UNDERAGE GANGBANG SCENE IS" and "DADS TOTALLY RAPE THEIR SONS' BUTTHOLES WHEN THEIR WIVES ARE AWAY RIGHT?" Then King writes a novel that ostensibly explores the fallout of sexual abuse.


How sticky are those pages?

I haven't read it in YEARS, but IIRC, the main character recites a poem that is mostly about a kid saying "Hey, motherfucker" for 4 stanzas. And it's beyond awful, but everyone inexplicably loves it and nominates him Poet Laureate of The World, hey motherfucker. Then he kills his wife by skiiing, and that is his

Get a room!

CLOSE. The pig-fucking occurred in a different episode, and the lady actually got famous for making porn.

Usually my reason for watching this show is, "I feel too happy today! How can I rectify this situation?"

I am so glad this film is finally out so we plebes can feel inspired by Farty McBonercorpse, even as the sun continues to scorch the northern hemisphere as the it does its part in trying to obliterate our terrible, terrible species.

I can't remember the last time I got excited for a Spielberg movie, but right now I'm very worried it was Jurassic Park: The Lost World.

See comment below. Cersei got what she always wanted.