
You wish you were in-Sat-iable.

Are those different things?

Oh, that makes sense. I'm very sorry you felt that way and hope you feel better about it now.

. . . and Moxie doesn't?

You can slam my sugar if you want.

Diet Coke? Why not Moxie since Faygo has already been claimed?

Would you like to make more?

Like any cult, the Juggalos are demanding, and becomes more demanding over time. Time. Money. Blood sacrifice. " . . . a multi-day orgy of pot, amateur wrestling, extremely angry music, dangerous carnival rides, and, of course, orgies."

Surely you mean "Gayer."


You realize you will end up in flagrante delicto with a Juggalo, right? And that the same will never wash off?

I'm not sure I believe that, possible-Birdie. But if you are indeed unfamiliar, get the to The YouTubery, where you may just come across your unwittingly-eponymous song, which quite snared the heart and mind of my younger self. I'm not sure how well it's aged, but I can't very well let you traipse about the internet

Pun all you like. Just never ask me to explain my bad jokes, as I'm sure you haven't the time necessary to read them.

Are you still near Boston? If so, email me. It's my username at gmail. Or get in touch with Gumbercules.

Winter came to his nether-region a long, long time ago . . .

So Rose Leslie is going to leave him for . . . Alfie Allen? John Bradley-West?

And this is why I love you.

Why are you trimming your pubes when nobody is going to see them?