
It was mean of them to exclude that picture from the article. I'm not a fan of his — I think he's a boring actor in a boring role — but the title is misleading without that picture.

It does seem bearditating.

Is . . . is this your real username from a long time ago, or did you just make it up now?

I don't get it. Please explain this joke in excruciating detail.

Lying . . .

Ugh, we should be so lucky.

I pounded your mom foolish last night.

Man, whenever my GPS says "recalculating," I pull over and wait for six good Samaritans to drop by so I can fuck them all. I can't tell you how often I've gotten in trouble for being late.

I really, really like the idea of a young, attractive, appealing bad guy. Clowns are scary to begin with. If a young, pretty actor can make a clown look less-than-terrifying, and even charming and adorable, then I would understand why kids are lured in. Tim Curry is a fantastic actor, but he made Pennywise scary from

I was allowed to wander about when I was a kid, and I grew up in the '90s. I think the level of supervision depends on where you grew up and how shitty your parents were.

I think these were the only times that adults could see Pennywise, right? Unless they were mentally ill in some way, usually they didn't see him at all.

Yes, the deaths tended to ramp up toward the end, then It would get tired and go nighters.

Wouldn't it be funny if like five juggalos started murdering children right now?

I wish King had shown Ben smashing all the eggs, because he smashes a few, but worries he'll run out of matches. Then he comes back and says that he got a hundred of them. HOW?

Oh, you rendered my comment below obsolete 16 hours ago. Thanks for reading things, Sat. Good job there, Sat.

It was The Deadlights, IIRC. And The Deadlights exist in an alternate dimension — maybe the dimension of The Dark Tower? It's been a long time since I've read King, but I vaguely recall it being something like that.

I would say he also doesn't know how to write abusers who are not complete caricatures. He only shows the bad parts. He never shows how they hook their victims.

RIGHT? Hanlon's archival skills are not on display in the adaptation at all. If he'd left Derry, he would have a Ph.D in History and tenure and accolades. He'd probably be on a bunch of hit lists for being brilliant and pro-keeping children alive after they are born. Those interludes are some of the best sections of

I think the final 100 pages in It aren't bad. I am fond of that scene where Stuttering Bill Hi-Yo-Silvers Audra back from the Land of Catatonia. It's one of his better denouements, not that that's saying much.

Good food
Turtle meat
Good God
Let's It!