
It was fun, although I was annoyed that Silas' powers seemed to change completely between S4 and S5.

I am super sick of seeing male celebrities get lauded for saying banal "be a good person!" stuff. I would mind less if female celebrities elicited the same response, but …

I didn't like that she claimed that skinny women think they're fat. I know a lot of thin women who hate being thin because it's somehow socially acceptable to mock thinness. So they get called anorexic when they are doing everything in their power to gain weight so their doctors stop lecturing them. The lyrics imply

Much more than you anyone else eat it.

We have to nip this in the boob before tit gets out of mounds.

I think she should have rhymed it with "animals-mals" myself.

Haha! Tell that to you unwanted child!

I also thought it was from previous episodes, though obviously I'm not going to rewatch them to hear that one time she said "Damon" in a particular tone of voice.

Excellent points. Hayley demanding that Elijah forgive Klaus was especially galling. I think forgiveness is one of the most overrated concepts in our society as it is, but expecting someone to forgive the death of his honorary son? Nope. Nobody gets to lecture a grieving parent on how they are supposed to behave

My only complaint on this show is that we don't get to see enough of Claire Holt. I'd love it if Elijah manages to revive her and she spends a month doing awesome things with Freya. Freya has been a bit of an early-season Bonnie lately, and I want her relationships to expand beyond the Mikaelson bros.

The Originals has gotten SO much better over the last two seasons. S1 was very inconsistent, but the casting and writing has been absolutely stellar lately. I only hope that they don't kill Marcel off. It would be great to see him as the big bad next season.

Gatewood is unbelievably fun to watch in every scene he's in. Such charisma.

I thought it could be something connected to the place that dead supernatural ghosts go now that The Otherside is gone. If it were an older villain, my guess would be Silas. But it's probably something "new."

I still think Matt should transfer to Miami and find out he is Michael Cordero's brother.

The most annoying thing about the generic evil is that it's using the exact same tactics that Silas used to lure people to him— the voices of dead loved ones. And the final scene of all the dead bodies seemed very ritualistic, like the expression triangle. Regardless of whether they are using Silas again (and I hope

You shouldn't actually fuck grease because oil tends to deteriorate latex condoms.

The entire premise was developed by internet commenters, not staff writers. By that standard, someone should just copy one of the more exciting comment sections here and give it a shitty clickbait title.

*begins playing The Shades of Castamere*

Haha. When I watched The Adicts last summer (they played with Horton Heats a Who, which is totally a real band that exists), I pretended to mouth along with the lyrics, which isn't difficult to do — punk songs have a fairly predictable cadence, so one need only open one's mouth during vowels and close it during

"Ew, can you even imagine going to a concert where you're surrounded by fans who have the audacity to enjoy themselves?"