
There is a certain painful hilarity to that. And to the show in general.

I'm so glad you appreciate me, even if nobody else does. :'(

Personally, I lip sync to show that I know the lyrics and sing along when told to do so. I would appreciate mass sing-alongs if everyone in the audience could remain on pitch. But the combination of flats and sharps is just cacophonous.

It was an amazing show, even though everyone was singing along loudly and out of tune, which happens at basically every concert regardless of who is performing. I don't understand why Cahoon felt the need to dismiss a tour he didn't attend. He seems way the fuck more obnoxious than the young people whose joy he is so

. . . eating a bologna and cheese ball sandwich.

Hey, it worked for Nina and Ian!

Pro-Tip: Don't blast "Let's Get It On" to any potential future friends. It sends the wrong message about your intentions.*

Based on her comedy, making big, interesting statements isn't exactly her thing.

*sighs, undresses*

The only thing I love so much that I will hear no word against it is my cat. My fiance is fair game.

Step 1: Deformity.
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Sads.

There's a guy from my hometown who is a ridiculously irresponsible pet owner. He has these little dogs that he never spays or neuters, so a few generations in, some of the puppies were so inbred that they were born without front or back legs. Their siblings learned to help them run around and stuff. It was very

Stefan is probably the only character who could convincingly make the move. Although honestly, Paul is so obviously bored with the character that I would hate to see what this would look like.

We were friends?

All comedians look the same!

Do you even lift popcorn, brah?

Ivy League fratholes often hoist signs that declare, "No means yes! Slayer means anal!"

I'm sorry your dad didn't let you masturbate in front of him. :'(

Reading this lyric immediately after a"Baby Got Back" reference made me think about the idealized version of ass, "Ooooh, rump of smooth skin!"