
I always play Bloodhound Gang's "The Ballad of Chasey Lain."

I lava lamp?

Are you turning into a gimmick account that posts bad poetry and worse explanations exclusively? If so, I approve.

I always hated the on-the-nose shorthand of soundtracks. I wondered what song would play during the protagonist's Montage of Brief Triumph when "I Feel Good" was tainted by James Brown's death.

I've never liked this song. It deserved a much more brutal HateSong entry.

They made a BIG FUCKING DEAL about it being impossible to find Klaus in Season 2. I imagine on the rare occasion Klaus has an enemy who can kill him, he disappears. I wonder what The Originals will do in the next few years to follow up on that. I hope it involves the Marcel/Vincent teamup.

I spent much of the ep writing bitchy tweets (no, the ep wasn't bad by Season 7 standards, but I am super over seeing the men in this show constantly undermine female agency), and it occurred to me that I only follow Carrie and olivececile and maybe a few people who wisely stopped watching the show. Do any of you live

Damon tends to improve every other character he comes into contact with. Except Elena past season 4, of course.

I am thinking TVD will FINALLY be cancelled after next season. I'm not sure where that would leave The Originals, but part of me hopes that any TVD actors who aren't completely sick of the show could probably ask Plec et al to write them into The Originals. I don't know how they would work within that universe, as it

God, I hope so! The ending of The Originals last night was basically everything I'd always hoped the show would be.

Dobrev went to the Met Gala when she was on TVD. I'm guessing it's the main reason she was invited.

Oh, it's a fantastic show and I adore Rebecca. But I have, sadly, heard that word used against people I care about, so it was a bit jarring to hear it in a fun context, even though I understood, of course, that the meaning wasn't the same.

I thought it was funnier when she said, "Basically, your parents want to have sex with me" than "Basically, your parents want to fuck me" or whatever the lyrics were.


I kind of agree with it and don't really understand why it was flagged. There have been better songs, and I didn't particularly like that they decided to rhyme the acronym for "Jewish American Princess" with "rap." Hearing one of my favorite actresses say "Jap Rap" repeatedly was definitely not the highlight of the

Cats has a plot?


I believe the implication here was that they wouldn't vote at all, not that they would vote for Trump.

That's the thing— Trump's campaign is just one Republican soundbite after another. It is beyond me why the party that has been spouting off this rhetoric for years isn't lining up to see who can give him the best rimjob.