
I totally agree. Jackson never felt like a full character to me, nor did any of the other werewolves. We never got to explore what it was like for them to live under the curse — how it impacted them psychologically, how it makes having relationships as humans difficult. For fuck's sake, Jackson and Hayley didn't even

He did all that to save the town from vampires — which, despite what the show would have us think, is a completely legitimate goal. He shot them, but he wanted them to be remembered as heroes. This was an era where disputes were still settled by duels; we can't hold them to modern standards. There really wasn't much

I bought it completely. I'm pretty sure that he was actually revived at the end and just missed everybody's heart. He ripped Stefan's heart out the first time he saw him, didn't bother at the end.

Nice catch! And it is the same actor; just looked it up! This is a really minor character to bring back. I wonder if they plan to do anything with him in the future, but I doubt they will.

I don't really like the way they rewrote Giuseppe this season. I doubt he was any more abusive than any father of that era. For fuck's sake, he allowed his war deserter son to move back in with him despite the shame this brought onto their household. That is an act of love, not abuse. Stefan felt comfortable

I totally agree with this. I think a lot of people love, whether secretly or blatantly, the people who are terrible to them. I have friends who still have relationships — even good relationships — with parents who beat them and devastated their self-esteem for decades. Damon always likes to pretend that he doesn't

Grant's cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that his existence is but a brief crack of light between two billion monsters shitting?

Here he is, I would say to myself, that is his head, containing a brain of a different brand than that of the synthetic jellies preserved in the skulls around him.


We did tell them that TWINCEST has consequences, but children never listen.

Well he was young then; it was hard to get a rise out of him.

The villi?

Yes, I've gone from "infrequently" to "constantly" myself.

No, but there's surround sound, you cheeky bastard.

Farting Boner Corpse at Tiffany's: An Algorithmic Journey Through The Upper Echelons of Capitalistic Society."

Eh, there's an alien in the first ep. I'm not too concerned that they'll come up with "no there are no aliens lol" as a "twist" or whatever.

The only thing I remember about that show is that one episode where this dude had a fetish for hot little people.

UFOs can't fly in the No Spin Zone because they are piloted by illegal aliens!

IIRC, it was more The Syndicate than The Government, and The Syndicate was full of members who had conflicting ideals. At some level, they felt guilty and WANTED the world to know. But at another level, they just wanted to survive. Or something?

Don't forget the scenes where Mulder finds/confronts his informant, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS!?!?!?!"