
Yeah, I honestly don't think the Tea Party would have been a thing if it weren't for Palin galvanizing the loonies the year prior.

I will never forget seeing that on television for the first time. McCain just looked so embarrassed to have people like THAT supporting him. I still cringe thinking about it.

Watch Game Change. According to McCain's staffers, it's so accurate that it gives them PTSD.

Fey's "my heart and mind are empty" face is acting; Palin's is not.

Yeah, what worked in 2008 was that Tina would use Palin's lines verbatim. Making stuff up just pales in comparison. This was just, "Let's rhyme things!"

Upvoted for comment/username synergy.

The Trump asides ruined it for me. It's not like we needed to be reminded that she's cray. They should have just let Tina build up the cray in a monologue.

That got renewed? How and why? I saw one episode and was just DONE. Only watched because Claire Holt was in it.

Your FACE is awesome!


Yes, indeed, the world is a terrible place because rape survivors are terrible people. This has been edifying. Thank you so much for teaching us.

Nah, I'm just waiting for the mods to respond to your trolling. I'm sure I'm not the only one who flagged you.

Anyone who has gotten me as much alcohol as you have is the opposite of an asshole. So that would make you . . . a mouth?

I'd bladder talk about something else.

You know what actual sadism is? Confronting a person you hurt very, very badly and expecting them to forgive you. See also: citing an unwillingness to forgive as a moral failure.

If my rapist reached out to me for absolution, I would tell him to fuck off.

Jesus, I forgot about that! And it's on for another season after this! Are my weekends to be ruined?

Hey Iffy!

"A Murmuration of Stardust."