
Totally. I've had a guy yell at me because I told him it was inappropriate for him to talk about my breasts a few minutes after meeting me. Like I was the one with the problem because I don't have a sense of humor.

Yeah, I think we should all accept that we are just hatewatching it at this point. We need new drinking game rules.

Are you seriously admonishing a rape survivor for not forgiving her attacker? Putting the onus on her for not making "a sincere attempt at absolution"? WOW. Just wow.

What the FUCK? I wouldn't want this sociopath anywhere near me.

Next step is "don't do it again." Problem solved. Apologies are actually empty and useless. Changing his behavior is permanent and meaningful. And he will set an example for other men who are behaving in this manner.

Consider my mind blown, though not quite in the manner that neurozach was blown by your mother.

Yeah, "hunting."

Oh, you must be one of neurozach's siblings! Nice to meet you!

Nope. But I have to assume you are only writing here because I keep insulting your mom on Twitter. YOU'RE WELCOME, AVC.



A.V. Club can tell when people are using hashtags ironically.

It's not about time. It's about DESIRE.

I am glad that you are willing to subvert stereotypes by implying that black men have little penises. If that's not progress, I'm not sure what is.

But isn't there a certain dark humor in the fact that David Bowie, who was amazing and progressive and hot and talented and intelligent and insightful and sexy and iconic and unforgettable, is dead, but Johnny Rebel is still alive?

Wow, proving your own point! Efficient!

Karaoke is awesome and Cookie_Monster is awesome, so it seems like he would.

Stop proving my point! I don't need your help!

Wow, you don't frequent this website, do you?