
Yes, that is another reason why it is funny.

That's kind of the point. But I'll bite.

Ohhh, got you mixed up with the person whose comment I replied to initially. Carry on.

Not me? :(

Okay . . . and surely you realize that your experience wasn't exactly universal, so it shouldn't be a surprise to you that not everyone discovered him as you did. I totally felt like an outsider during the Limp Bizkit days, and I had internet access, but I didn't discover Bowie because I was too busy listening to

#omg it's like you don't even know what a #firstie is #lol

How DARE you mock the grief of adoring fans? Censoring us as we mourn is just monstrous and inconsiderate. Making dumb jokes about oral sex is the only way for us to process this great loss, to move on to a greater state of being. Would you call a pun thread about Lemmy a piece of shit? What about a collection of

I like to think that he had an advanced, celestial, sexual relationship with his cancer, and that his death was merely the final climax, le grand mort.

As of now, they stand at 70, because people ruin EVERYTHING.

I don't know that I was aware of who Bowie was until I was in college, and I say this as someone who watched Labyrinth more than once when I was a kid. I didn't make the connection. A lot of kids grow up in the little bubbles their parents created for them. They will, understandably, be more interested in modern

Don't talk about your mom sexual roster like that.


See above.

Get used to this joke. I will make it until people forget about David Bowie or until the day of my death. Whichever comes first.

Wow. Tell us how you really feel.

He died as he lived: 69.

Isn't that more of a brag than a question?

That, Wings, and American Gladiators. And, of course, Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.

The A.V. Club: