
"Universally relatable"="I personally related to it, so everyone else must have, too!"

I think it's better than BC— funnier and with a better understanding of all the in-group backstabbing that can go on in high school.

Perks is actually pretty good for what it is. Talented cast. Genuinely moving at times. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn't try to blame mental illness on something the parents did wrong or offer facile solutions to social problems. It's more realistic than other teen films for that reason.

I enjoy them both a lot more than I enjoy Hughes' movies.

Yes to all of the above.

My thing is that I can believe that the kids would talk to each other. Absolutely. The friend circles in my high school were large and overlapping, and most of the popular kids were also in AP classes and varsity teams. The weird divide between social groups in pop culture always confused me; it would be MORE strange

Yay! #sisterwivesunite

If it's the REAL you, you will text me that it is you.

I don't think they knew it was your kink. And I know people IRL who are into that. Don't worry about it.

Oh, I fucking HATE that song. The dude singing sounds so fucking creepy.

I went to one that had male strippers. I'm still in therapy about it.

Yes, because Hawaiian musicians actually bother to learn more than three chords.

It was wholly entertaining and wholly correct. And best of all, he actually talked about the song instead of how overplayed it was. This may be the best Hatesong yet.

This movie straight up scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. I couldn't watch the part where the Nightmare King showed up alone.

Eat Fresh!

Man I would hate to fuck ANYONE for 5-12 years, let alone a 17-year-old who NEVER AGES.

Glad to see you up and about and commenting! ♥

That was a particularly awful one. He flat out said that it's embarrassing to buy clothes in a thrift shop because it's embarrassing to be poor. I am not a Macklemore fan, but Madrigal came off as an elitist asshole. That's his fault, not the commenters'.

Swing Revival?