
Indeed, the best moment of the episode, and possibly the season, was Stannis the Grammar Nazi saying, "Fewer." I'm not convinced the show will be able to top that. Who could?

We'll see what happens, but I don't think they would have shown his girlfriend in that shot if she weren't significant.

Right on all of these points. Sansa HAD to take Joffrey's side— he was
her future husband and Ned explained to Arya that Sansa made the best choice available to her. And she paid the price. It would be ridiculous to hold this against her.

You paid the iron price for that one.

They showed Ramsay's crazy girlfriend looking all jealous and such. She previously asked him to hunt down and kill a woman who caught his eye, so I'm worried about what she might ask him to do to Sansa.

Thanks for noting this. People too often ignore the Starks' idiocy in favor of the Lannisters' treachery. Cat shouldn't have kidnapped Tyrion with so little proof, Ned shouldn't have thought that a piece of paper would shield him against Cersei's wrath.

I'm quite fond of lemons, so when life gives me lemons, I save $4 at the grocery store. If that's not a win, I'm not sure what is.

Speaking of what women want, I'd appreciate it if you would email me regarding a very important matter that is NOT your sex life.

I kind of want to find out what song they played and see if it sounds like "The Rains of Castamere" now.

Well, she IS married to Alaric now, and the human incubator for two magic babies who have to kill each other at some point, so . . . maybe?

The thing is we never got to see Elena and Damon's relationship start and grow from a real place. First it was the sire bond nonsense, then her humanity was off. At the beginning of S5, they're in a relationship that started entirely offscreen, and in all their scenes together, they just give grand speeches about how

Hmmmm. He had holes in his neck when we saw him in the prison world, but I didn't take not last night because he was so hawt. Stupid hawtness hawlting my power of observation.

They didn't compel Jeremy to forget this time, so I would hope they wouldn't compel Elena.

On that note, Damon's grungy, alcoholic-with-stubble look totally did it for me.

Hey, maybe they'll actually have chemistry offscreen, too!

I don't know why they made Vampire Elena so annoying. Human Elena is great, even in episodes like this where she does all the annoying Elena-things— making someone else's wedding all about her, obsessing over Damon, and so on— she was just so much more rounded as a character.

They literally rolled in the hay, because subtlety.

Well, in his case, he moved to Mystic Falls to investigate his wife's disappearance. It would make sense for him to cut ties with people from his past who reminded him of her, or whatever. But as we said below, maybe it's just easier to hang out with supernaturals exclusively than to hang out with expendable humans.

Hmmmm. Well, Elena initially tried to keep her friends in the dark, which was just RIDICULOUS— they didn't even tell Caroline "oh, hey, your boyfriend is a vampire" for her own protection. But she didn't really alienate them. It does seem like Cami didn't know anyone apart from her uncle when she first met the

I've liked Jo more and more the past few episodes, but it seems really weird to me that she has no friends. Having a few college sophomores throw her the world's loneliest bachelorette party and serve as her bridal court is the saddest thing the show has done since killing off Aunt Jenna.