
I was just waiting for her to yell at Damon and Elena for stealing her thunder. And really . . . Elena is somehow maid of honor? They've known each other for maybe 6 months! Goddammit, Alaric, don't you know that it's a huge red flag if your partner doesn't appear to have any friends?

The popularity of characters like Matt and Lexi kind of baffles me, but he was never as bad as he is this season. If they could just COMMIT to him hating vampires and leaving his social group composed nearly entirely thereof, it would be one thing. Having him hang around, neg people, and ultimately do nothing is just

I severely hope you are wrong about this. Ew.

Honestly, Evil Fetus is pretty much the only supernatural force they haven't dealt with yet. Maybe next season.

Even if she is, she'll come back to life somehow, because this show does NOT know how to commit to deaths.

"I had so many doubts, but when I saw an old dude grab his old wife's ass, I realized that mortality is a small price to pay for the privilege of grabbing your ass during all its various ass-stages."

AbradolphLincler said that he found a stack of 10 signed photos of Vanilla Ice for $1.50 and I was immediately jealous, despite my bitter jokes about ROI.

Great points all. Given how standoffish he was with Jane toward the end of their relationship, I can see where the dissolution of his marriage could have been entirely his fault.

Do we know that they own it? I imagine Alba couldn't apply for a loan given her immigration status, and Xo doesn't seem like the type who would have the best credit history.

I went to graduate school in a very expensive city. I had a tuition waiver and won a scholarship, so between that and my TA-ship, I didn't have to take out any loans my second year. It's do-able, especially if Rafael is paying child support— given his salary, I imagine the courts would set this at a rather high level.

One perk of having a rich baby-daddy is that she never needs to worry about her child's financial security. If this weren't the case, I would say she should absolutely take the teaching job and maybe go to grad school in a few years when her child doesn't need her as much. But as it is, she grew up without a lot of

Real men watch Jane the Virgin!

I've been thinking this since JJ showed up!

It would be a hell of a finale. Or maybe Sin Rose-tro killed Michael and took on his face.

But not your parents? You must feel so unloved!

I think it's annoying in a lot of cases. It makes me feel like I'm supposed to comfort a person instead of just having a conversation and acting like people.

Anyone who is THAT obsessed with the masculine and feminine is an asshole. Find a non-asshole to date so you never need to worry about this issue again.

I believe it's because only magic siphons like Kai could become vampires, because they don't have any naturally occurring witch-magic. I imagine they used an equally bullshit excuse for Silas being a witchpire.

Oh, I vaguely recall that now. How satisfying!

I'm not sure which was more ridiculous— the receipt thing or the pin thing. I'm surprised nobody took a vampire down with a Jell-O shot this episode.