
To my knowledge, nobody has even told Jeremy that Bonnie is back. Why would they tell him his sister is going to stop being the thing that he hunts?

And didn't the dad just skip out after Kai and Luke merged? They are cowards and killers from what I can tell.

I think Matt caught "Feel this way because plot"-itis from Enzo.

The thing is that Bonnie never really bonded with her mom. Her mom abandoned her, adopted another kid, then couldn't handle being a mother as a vampire. Only time we've seen her since is when she arrived to help Bonnie's dad capture her. I can buy that Bonnie is closer to Damon, and definitely to Elena, than to her

Seriously, I'm fine with them introducing a new villain at the end of a season (as they did with Klaus and Katherine), but we know nothing about the Heretics thus far. We haven't even seen their faces in non-dessicated form. I need a few episodes to realize how much of a threat these people are going to be. So I guess

1. I am quite sick of the whole "manipulate vampire emotionally, stab with vervain" thing that happens on this show with the frequency of torture and temporary death.

There is now a whole pack of hybrids that Klaus has, predictably, managed to alienate entirely.He knows by this time that any time he tries to make friends or make a family, the people will eventually betray him. So yeah, he has no use for Elena.

RIGHT? As soon as she took the cure, I just loved her again. She is so much more badass as a human. It's fucking weird.

Jackson and Hayley are twice as dull when they're together. If they hired Cami as an au pair and disappeared forever, the show would improve exponentially.

One of my favorite eps of the season, actually, and this has been a damn solid season. I also can't tell if Klaus is being serious or not, but at least they finally did something interesting with his constant paranoia. He can be remarkably dull on this show— all he does is betray and kill and lecture— so seeing him

I didn't understand why Elena didn't just say, "If you drink my blood, you'll also be human." Obviously that isn't something Lily wants. But yeah, it would have been better if she were human when her "family" of fucked up vamp-witches returns. It would make her a vulnerable target, and she might be forced to work with

Ugh, right? What annoys me is that a magic person has to tell her that when she's a fucking doctor with access to ultrasound equipment. On the plus side, I liked her more than I have all season this episode, even though her bachelorette "party" thing was possibly the most pathetic event in the show's history. "I am a

So, would that be, like, one of those things Egyptians used to pull the brain out through the nose?

Is she going to scream "PUTA!" and slap him when he finally cheats on her?

Oh, yeah! I think that was more of a "they struggled, she fell" thing, and that he didn't actually mean to push her down the stairs.

To be fair, I don't think "he was shitty at his job" is a good defense.

I know. I was 11. I watched the whole damn thing.

Anti-Semite! Get him!

Goodness, that scene with the packing and the unpacking, amirite? Who cares if Guilder is more advanced than Florin? Get to the good parts, dammit!

[Insert lame joke pretending to confuse the comic strip Heathcliffe with Garfield}