
I was honestly hoping Dahlia would show up earlier, but whatever. The woman knows how to make an entrance!

I love it when they try to make Enzo relevant!

Here's the thing— if they want to continue with the love triangle, I think it would make sense for them to go all out— that is to say, have Elena turn human and have one Salvatore or another spend next season trying to become human so that he can be with the woman he loves. Love was never really a redeeming thing for

Of course. We will never be rid of The Cure.

Caroline already wins at everything, forever. It's her defining characteristic.

I so hope they kill her off. I don't even know where vampires go now that The Otherside is not in play, but as long as she can't come back as a ghost, this seems a perfectly cromulent option.

Wait, you mean you aren't captivated by Enzo's "I'm going to . . . do things . . . because!" storyline? I'm not sure we can be friends anymore.

I think the shooting schedule for TVD was usually really taxing for her, especially when she was playing multiple doppelgangers. But she has a movie coming out that actually looks decent in theory. I also liked her in Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Indeed— her performance as Katherine was one of the few things that rendered last season watchable. I feel like she's mostly wasted on the show now, though. All she does is hang out in the background and give Damon big speeches about how much she loves him.

Nah, they broke up two years ago and they're professionals. However, I will say the lack of chemistry between them now is jarring. Watching them fight in S2 was the hottest thing ever; now I want to change the channel any time they're in the same timezone.

Completely. There were all these rumors that Somerhalder would be leaving, but TVD-world is supposed to revolve around Elena. I only hope she has an actual arc over the next few episodes that helps to remind us of why everyone loves her in the first place.

YUP. This season is definitely better than the doldrums of Marco, but they completely destroyed Elena's character and lost track of why we were rooting for these characters in the first place.

I'm glad I could help. See you next week!

And you began this tedious argument by saying she didn't die of old age. We have come full circle. Good job.

That she DID die of old age. She didn't die when the cure was sucked out of her.

Katherine drank the cute.
Silas sucked the cure out of her.
Amara sucked the cure out of him.
Amara died with the cure still inside her.

Yeah, and Somerhalder/Dobrev really lack chemistry now that they're broken up, and it doesn't help that Damon and Elena don't feel like an actual couple.

I'm sure Kai will be back, and he'll bring the Tomb Vampires Lily's friends with him.

She died several episodes after that, because losing the cure meant she was aging rapidly.

I am loving the Dahlia/Freya stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing Bex go crazy next episode. Most of the ladies are killing it this season. I mean . . . oops, sorry, Hayley/Cami. Not everyone can have a plot. It wouldn't be fair.