
-Yup, definitely a ripoff of S1.
-Yup, definitely a ripoff of S4.
-I think she can just replicate the physical aspects. She is such a control freak that she can cry on demand.
-Realizing that the Mystic Falls Team IS the problem would completely fuck over the entire dynamic of the show, so they can hint at it, but it

Yeah, I am curious as to what she is up to. I'm going to guess that she actually drained all the other vamps of blood, or that she was the Bull Goose Loony of the group.

I hate that they pulled major plot points for S1 (dessicated vampires coming back to life) and S4 (The Cure, for the 8,000th time). The season was going so well, and now it just looks like they ran out of ideas.

I like the way you think.

I am!

Haven't you noticed? Caroline isn't allowed to interact with any men one or anything besides Stefan.


In a polygamist community, sure!

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

Oh, I'm a filthy socialist commie who cares about child welfare, so I want more controls at every level. Parenthood is a privilege, not a right.

It also assumes that everyone has taken that test and cares about the results. And it's such an oddly specific thing that I would probably brush right past that profile and assume the person is judgmental and high maintenance. Sorry, Flami, but if you really are concerned with how you come off, I'd skip that part.

What about rickshaws? And The Shah? Teach me. Please.

Haha. I always laugh more loudly than usual to let him know he's doing the job properly, but I can totally carry on a conversation without giving it away.

So where does "twincest" fall on the Greek alphabet spectrum? Tau, something, iota, nu, psi, epsilon, psi, tau?

I'm all about that psi, about that psi, no delta!

I really hate that "alpha male" always applies to guys who are muscular and that's about it. Let's just fucking be honest about it— a true alpha male is some 65-year-old multi-billionaire who can't get it up without giving himself a heart attack and invests millions in influencing politicians to pay his impoverished

"Hey! Listen! Now that you're close to finishing, I'm going to turn off G-targeting. I hope you like diminishing returns!"

Are you going to peel off her pretty Filipina exterior to reveal that she was Sean Hannity THE WHOLE TIME?

So true. It's pretty ridiculous that people who want a child badly enough to adopt are put through a rigorous testing process and have to pay thousands in fees when any drunk pair of idiots can make a biological child without having their credentials questioned until CPS is alerted.

He stops fingering his sister?