
I think he actually had his humanity off when he was with Bex— he was still a Ripper, making a dude drink his wife's blood, listing his victims in his closet, and so on.

The wardrobe did age him up to bangable age, which I quite liked. Also, Somerhalder in that nipple-showing gray shirt was quite nomnommy and eyesy.

Fake molly o'clock?

Oh, the ending scene was so badass and rockstar. This really was a well-directed episode. I hope Somerhalder does more of them.

I liked it when he was like, "I think it's pretty weird that you're asking me all these questions." It was a nice change from the zombied out way compelled people usually talk.

This, so much! Nailed it as per usual.

I liked that Elena was the voice of reason, and that for once she sided with her lady-friend. Caroline was handling it so much better than anyone else has. This episode was very much about The Brothers Salvatore and other dudes not respecting the wishes of the ladies, and it was SO wonderful to see all that backfire

Also, going to a rave in 2015. But yeah, that greasy, stringy hair! I thought we were officially out of grunge references, but nope!

I never thought I'd see the day when a TVD-themed gimmick account was a thing.

They DID kill her. The prison world is an afterlife thing. They kept her there to prevent her from going to The Other Side, where she would have bothered all the other spirits.

It was neat to see Klaus working behind the scenes instead of just barging in and confronting Mikael. I've come to expect violent encounters when he's around, and the show does well to show us he is also conniving and perceptive.

I think before the break I said I want a show with Caroline and Bonnie being badass and awesome. But really, any iteration of a Caroline-based show would be phenomenal.

I loved HumanityOff! Elena and Stefan, but Accola might be favorite yet.

When she said, "You should be used to this by now!" when meeting Elena, I burst out laughing. I love that the show is actually self-aware this season.

Deserves to have an affair with a coworker then have his wife be hotter and more sexually free? I'm not seeing the problem here.

On your son's coffin?

"That said, her brother is way better at oral and he's been blowing me weekly for about a year. The problem is that now he wants me to blow him and I want to, but I'm not gay or bi. How can I put my brother-in-law's gorgeous, veiny dick in my throat while retaining my hetero-cred?"

My advice to him would be, "Figure out why your wife is ignoring her doctor's advice. Dramatic weight gain can indicate depression or something else is going on. A good partner would think these factors are more important than sex. Moreover, if your wife feels better physically and emotionally, she might get a higher

Yeah, that's pretty clear. And it shows that virginity is a damaging concept. Nobody should feel guilty about admitting they were abused.

I don't follow.