
So, the actual assumption is that all rich dudes have tiny dicks?

Wouldn't YOU like to know?

It seems to assume that women . . . select smaller cocks to procreate with? I mean, I know that quite a few do, or who would stick with a smaller guy because love, but I seriously can't understand what the basis would be for selecting for smaller cocks.

Tell her you suck at dating, and that if she wants to pursue things further, you will try to suck less (or more, if she's into that). Also offer to take any suggestions she has to reduce dating suckitude to heart. However, I would guess offhand that you totally blew it, so don't be surprised if she tells you to fuck

You should tell her for sure, but don't make a big deal out of it. Don't make her feel like you were waiting for The One or whatever, because that's a lot of pressure. Just say that for whatever reason it never happened (if it's a bad or traumatic reason, don't kill the mood by going into detail), and if it does

I'm very sorry for the role I played in this.

Based solely on my own partner's, ahem, above-average specimen, I have to say I doubt very much that this is anything more than the author's attempt to blame his penis size on society.

Good Morrow, Nude Sir Viking,

Jesus, you've had one date and you've already kissed? You have nothing to worry about. Make jokes, listen to her, laugh at her jokes, flirt, smell good. I've always liked your comments here, and surely some of that charm will translate in person. See if you can go for a longer kiss if the date goes well.

It could be an efficiency thing. I can make myself come in under a minute. If I were tired from work and just needed a release to fall asleep, I'd definitely prefer masturbation to sex. Plus, her vibrator doesn't get upset at her if she doesn't use it often enough!

I personally began dating my boyfriend because he collected such a wide variety of blue objects, displaying them both on his person and in his bower.

I'm convinced birth control pills work by reducing a woman's libido and increasing her anger so much that sex becomes more a distant memory than a conceivable reality.

I regret that I have but one like to give for this.

I don't understand how he can recommend an open relationship or a sex worker to everyone whether they ask about it or not, then a letter comes in from the low-libido partner saying she's open to the idea, and he's like DTMFA. I think he has a few synapses crossed.

Have you tried cheating on your significant other with a sex worker?

Based on . . . what exactly? Did they measure fossilized dick? Did they compare dicks across cultures with different social structures? And what role did dick size actually play in marriage, traditionally a transfer of property, previously? I want to see the study if you have a link, because it sounds like a huge

Those make me feel even worse when they lose, because I just picture their parents yelling at them once they exit the building.

I saw that one! "Deconstructed means you didn't finish it."

Um . . . law school loans? I can't imagine he would have gotten a lot of financial aid given his criminal past.

Yeah, they and the public service people . . . Chopped knows how to tug on the heartstrings.