
There was a time when EVERYONE was making a "warm arugula salad." This was also the height of the Scott Conant "I have a severe aversion to raw onions" period.

Something, something, oral sex.

You can take that Junior Mint
And stick it up your (open abdominal cavity)!

I was under the impression that they also took the time to edit in relevant scenes. That might have been amusing. Or at least more amusing than "That dumb fuck who always makes references to 'nookie' in your health class discovered music editing software."

Orgy had two songs, thank you very much! TWO. The cover and that one where they all had different-colored hair in the video! How about you get your facts straight the next time you post interwebby things?

Great Job, Wad VanDerTurf!

Are you trying to destroy my credibility, credibility destroyer?

In S4, they both had pretty important storylines that just kind of turned to nothing. Tyler unsired all the hybrids (great leadership skills that were just wasted— also displayed in Memorial, of course) and Jeremy was a Hunter. I can't imagine either of them doing something that interesting at this point. Oh, wait,

Oh, my, yes. Ridiculous. So very unlikely.

Eh, I don't recall being particularly driven to see them hook up last year. I might even have been annoyed by it. It was a thing, but it didn't strike me as a love connection thing. Perhaps the fandom elsewhere felt differently.

. . . Maybe when Damon got back? In that episode where Alaric became human again? I feel like this was when it happened, but I certainly couldn't tell you if they had a MOMENT.

How do I know YOU aren't Silas?

Oh, we've mentioned that before. Katherine says she never compelled his love; she just took away his fear. Ummmm . . . actually, she took away his ability to consent.

I attest. What he doesn't tell you is that he wears all five pairs at the same time.

We bring it up here a lot. On the show, they're more likely to slut-shame Caroline than admit to how horrific the abuse was. And the fact that she remembered all of it when she became a vampire? No wonder she was so traumatized she killed someone.

Yeah, at least Elena was there for her this time. I used to love that the girls really acted like BFFs. They just don't anymore.

Ew. Ew, ew, ew. So in addition to the gross supernatural age difference between him and Caroline, there was a 9-year age difference as well? Gross. Gross, gross, gross. Grosser, somehow. Statutory rape-ier.

Right? Of all Caroline's romantic relationships, the one between her and Tyler was the best-developed. They changed at the same time and bonded over that. I know everyone hates Tyler's character now (I know I do), but I found him very interesting for a time and never doubted that he cared about her. To have him be so

As I posted above, I think she's probably a vampire if she visited Baby Stefan as an angel.

Haha. When Bonnie jumped into his arms, it was like a goddamn suction cup— like she fit perfectly and just belonged with her legs wrapped around his waist. I would never have shipped them before, and I don't now, but after this season I understand why people would.