
Also, that girl sucked and probably still sucks.

Ohhhhhh, it's a hate crime because it doesn't include fisting! I get it now!

Great, now North Korean hackers are going to doxx the AVC. THANKS OBAMA.

Well, last week, Caroline did tell Stefan, "You bury dead bodies all the time!" So, yes.

I am HOPING that he has insurance money from when Elena burned down the house or something, because I don't think vampire hunting pays well. Either that or he'll be sucking dick for money, which would mean a straight character is officially having more gay sex than any of the gay characters ever did.

Haha. With an awesome sequence of her changing gears to "Ahhh. PUSH IT. Push it REAL good!"

Oh, The Cure that they spent a whole season looking for, then just buried when Amara died?

Nudeviking has led me to believe you have left out a number of crucial steps, particularly with regard to blanket hornpipe.

Damon gets boners every time a lady lies in a wet spot composed of his brother's barren seed.

Cosby rape is a THEORY, just like EVOLUTION or GRAVITY.

The Gilbert accident thing pissed me off so hard.

Wait, why is he holding a mic? Is this a slam poetry thing?

No, most of them died during the first Expression sacrifice.

I had the same thought when she was digging up Miss Cuddles last week. I can understand Stefan taking his time on the wiring thing, but unpacking? With Caroline's organizational skills? Nope.

That's who he reminded me of! Thanks, Dr.!

I mean, I get it, and I agree, but I feel like you need to take into account the fact that Stefan gets a boner every time he sees a lady's parent die.

Ugh, don't get me started on the way they ruined Bex. She burst onto the scene all badass, then left in a big statement about how Klaus should let her go and be free and happy (I for one did NOT need two episodes of them fighting), then turned into an au pair 24/7. And while I like the new actress, I miss Holt. She

Great. So we got Baby Caroline this week; next week it's Baby Brothers Salvatore in period drag? Did one of you ask for this? If so, you're a terrible, terrible person.

I don't feel bad, per se, it's just . . . so much paperwork, you know?