
Yes. Everyone should watch this film at age 12. I saw it when I was 20, so I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

Is this friend named "Bill"? If so, stay far, far away.

What reason is there to hate that movie apart from the rumors about the production? I wasn't crazy about the ending or the "you're a slut" scene, but but the film as a whole was absolutely wonderful and captivating.

I would guess because ladies like gays more than they like him.

I've heard of every single one of those movies, seen most of them, and would add Saving Face to the list.

What's she going to do— get pissed at their dad for his sheer hypocrisy in killing The Brothers Salvatore, but teaching Dexter how to be a serial killer?

I thought Damon was annoying during these scenes, actually— he kept doing Blue Steel face. And FUCK, why is Liz asking HIM to write a eulogy instead of Caroline? It's moronic.

My favorite Caroline/Liz moment is in S2, when Liz tells Caroline that she's become an amazing, strong woman, then Caroline compels her to forget. There have been too many flashbacks this season, but I care a fuck of a lot more about moments like that than a generic "Oh, I learned how to ride a bike!" scene. Ugh.

All of this, especially the bit about Jeremy not being able to kill Enzo, who is a fucking lightweight, anyway. But yeah, Liz not caring that Damon is responsible for all her cold cases was just bad Sheriffing.

I feel bad that I didn't like Kai when he first showed up at this point. I was like, "Oh, Damon 6.0. Hi. Can you leave now?" Now the show absolutely suffers without him.

What should happen: Caroline and the resurrected Bonnie meet up and wreak havoc on their shitty friends, becoming in the the process the leads of The Vampire Diaries.

The Vampire Diaries:

Holy crap! My inner goddess is just throwing used tampons all over the place!


Is your dad's name Liam?

Wait, there's a difference?

I assume the movie involves a scene of Anastasia locked in a cage as the smallest girl in the Red Room of Pain teases her: "Pooh-pooh! They had to replace the tampon scene with something! Pooh-pooh!"

Three wet sticks, obvi.

Same. It's like a ritual. I also watch Bad Santa just to balance things out.

I don't believe it's ever right to call a human being creepy, including when you're not into them