
Wait, so losing your virginity was like rubbing two wet sticks together? I'm sorry.

Ecto gammat!

That's what I got from it. I didn't find it confusing. IIRC, in Orphan Black, Sarah uses the fridge door to demagnetize Beth's credit card.

But they cleverly disguised his balding with bleach!

That's just a mirror, love. Calm down.

There is a PT cruiser I pass every time I'm on 34— magenta with wood panels. It makes me laugh, but then it makes me cry.

Yeah, Breaking Bad was hilarious at times because of how long they let the awkwardness last, especially during dinner scenes.

I don't see why it's a big deal if the company folded. It's not like eBay didn't exist at the time, and people in subcultures are often looking for ways to appear more authentic. The fact that they don't have the right wheels actually helps— they're posers with a carefully crafted concept of what skaters should look

I can get $60 dollars out of my Automatic Teller Machine machine as long as I enter my Personal Identification Number number correctly.

He was going to take the driver on as a client, give the skaters $2000 of his retainer, drag the case out while collecting legal fees, then ask them to settle or drop the case at a certain point, I think.

It occurs about 5 years before the Rise and Fall of Heisenberg, so unless it's on the air for a decade or so, I doubt that will happen.

It's totes adjace to "fetch."

I think the only one I liked at the time was JC, because blue eyes. Timberlake had APPALLING fashion, Lance was obvs gay, and the other two were just . . . WHY?

Stop trying to make "flip" happen!

Because nobody loves members of the Master Race as much as you do.

No love for Joey Fatone. He's like the Zoidberg of boy groups. :'(

I loved Eve 6 in high school. I got a signed poster from them at some point, but I think a girl in my dorm stole it or something. Too bad. I'm sure I could get $1 for it on eBay now. :'-(

So if I were to say, "Totes adjace" (which I totally will), I should pronounce it, "TOH-tays ad-HA-say"?

Who? Who? Who? Who?

Reason 1. He is not Elena.