
Kevin by a landslide, amirite?

I never understood the appeal of Oasis or this song. The worst was when they did a mashup of Wonderwall and that Green Day song and that Aerosmith song and insisted on playing it for two years straight.

He starts pinching his nipples within the first measure of a Portishead song.

My thoughts exactly. I thought Lit achieved mainstream success purely because the singer had big blue eyes and Pamela Anderson was in one of their videos.

Now that's what I call "flair"!

I'm going to say "adjace" from now on. It is now my favorite neologism.

I liked this song when it came out, partly because it's fun, partly because during one of MTV's artist interviews during the music videos (I don't remember what this feature was called), the singer said the end consisted of a flood of green semen. My father happened to walk in during this part and being horrified, so

Speak of the devil! How are you, buddy?

Well, we have the same complaints every time they post a Hatesong. I think the commentariat is fairly predictable on certain features.

Missed you last week! Welcome back, friend!

I've been guessing that he's a Baratheon for some time, but I assumed Ned's sister was his mother.

Pets me?
Let's be?
Wets, see?

I've had the same problem with my "Love Shaq" lean-to kits.

Zooey Deschanel.

Or buying Medigoron's knife, right? Right?

I'm not allowed in most museums because I kept smashing up their Ming vases for the valuable rupees they contained.

"I, Like Like, like like to eat your shield and armor"?

He also says, "un-ah!" when he's surprised!

Grumble, grumble?