
Thought: Maybe they finally give Enzo a purpose by turning him into Kai's fuckslave!

Death in TVDverse:

It's just kind of bizarre that witches apparently have big, big attitude about Expression when apparently entire covens are powered by sacrificing THEIR OWN MEMBERS.

Well, I wouldn't say The Originals is GOOD (definitely not good the way TVD was in its prime), but it's WAY better than it was last season. And I'm looking forward to having the witch-lady come back from the dead to kill everyone, or whatever. I think it makes more sense to ground the action in Original Family history

I know who you're talking about and I would be SO FUCKING HAPPY if they killed off this character, because he is pointless and boring and portrayed by a talentless actor who, to my knowledge, only gets cast in things because of his last name.

Which means they could have just killed him when he was, you know, unconscious and completely helpless. But noooope.

Very much so. She treated them like sexual playthings, rather the way Damon treated his ladies in early seasons. Because, you know. People who look like Damon or Isobel TOTALLY need to compel people to sleep with them.

Yeah, considering the Bennett line is essentially dead (Gram is dead, Bonnie is dead, Bonnie's momlady is a vampire), I don't see why it would be a big tragedy if the Gemini coven died off.

Same! I don't think of Kai as being particularly tall, but for whatever reason— possibly because most of his scenes are with Liv— I never noticed that Luke was so short before. Usually I only notice height things when Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline are hanging out, but it was very obvious during this scene.

Yeah, TV shows tend to make it look really, really easy to knock a person out, but this was awful even by TVD, "And YOU get a broken neck! And YOU get a broken neck!" standards.

If you need to call something "epic," it probably isn't.

I was hoping in S4 that they were gearing up to make Bonnie the Big Bad. At this point, I know better than to consider the possibility, but it would be so damn interesting to see the characters try to fight against their own deus ex magica. As such, I know there will never be a plotline in which Bonnie absorbs Kai's

He's not even funny! He's never been funny. He exists solely for us to imagine Damon making out with a hot British guy. As such, any Enzo scenes that exclude Damon are a complete waste.

I quite miss Klaus as he was on TVD. I feel like most of his time on The Originals is spent lecturing people about family. I rather miss his humorous sadism. He was much more fun and campy on TVD.

I'm totally fine with this. I'm pretty sure next season will be the last for TVD, and The Originals has really found its stride this season.

Well, this would be the way to do it. The only other option would be to have one of the ladies on the show fall for Kai. Elena and Caroline are effectively taken by The Brothers Salvatore, and Bonnie will probably get back with Jeremy when she returns. So . . . wait five episodes, then congratulate yourself on how

This reminded me of that episode in S4 when Silas attacked Liz and Caroline had to Pulp Fiction vamp blood into her heart to keep her alive. They just set us up to say goodbye to this beloved character, and then . . . nope, just kidding. They've done this often enough that there's just no emotional payoff anymore for

I had the same thought. I mean, the magic he sucked out was contained in maybe an ounce of vampire blood. I guess the explanation I'm most comfortable with is that he just Rogued out all of Luke's power and life force and whatever. This would mean he just used his existing talent, not the stuff he Rogued out of Liz.

At this point I'm convinced that they hooked up Tyler and Liv so they could call them "Liv Tyler" in notes. I've been waiting for Tyler to date Bonnie for 6 seasons, because Bonnie Tyler. Don't get me started on Matt Damon . . .

There was a brief moment after he woke up that I worried Kai had just taken over his body. That kid is just not a good actor. He and Liv have the most obnoxious voices on the show.