
You didn't need to do this, but ♥. And Happy Holidays.

Nope, still not funny. Possibly not a dealbreaker, but definitely not funny at all.

I am going to be a total enabler next time we hang out, just to warn you.

And let's not forget about needle play and elaborate social hierarchies involving pup culture!

Anal is awesome and not remotely painful if you're doing it right. And, obviously, if your nerves are set up to like it. If they're not, stay far, far away.

Stop it.

This is so true! I get all antsy if I don't do my cardio and strength training routine a few times a week. Plus the energy boost is a bit of an antidepressant. Makes me less inclined to stay in bed all weekend.

Lay off until you get your issues sorted out.

Hairless makes for better oral. I don't understand the appeal of pubes at all. Skin-on-skin is one of the best feelings that life has to offer.

At least trim. Waxing/sugaring causes less razor burn/ingrowns than shaving in my experience. And get rid of the beard. Beards are terrible.

I think this line of thinking minimizes what men in physically and psychologically abusive heterosexual relationships go through. Yes, they're in the minority (so much so that I've never met one), but this doesn't make their experiences any less valid or traumatic. Many of them are afraid to seek help precisely

I'm trying to think if I have. I'm pretty sure a full stomach isn't exactly conducive to sexytimes. Also, there are always so many family members everywhere. So . . . no? Has anyone?

I'm here, dammit!

"a lot of love"="I'm 20 and I can't tell the difference between love and not being alone all the time"

Ugh, I hate it when people burn a shit-ton of incense to cover up the smell. It's basically like not showering for a month, then wearing a bunch of cologne. It doesn't cover the smell; it just turns the air into a nauseating miasma of airborne compounds.

I really, really wish you were wrong.

My friend used to call and complain about what it was like to date her functional alcoholic boyfriend (who was also 15 years older than her, but whatever). He did his best to hide his drinking from her, and he was never violent, never acted drunk . . . but he could not get it up. Ever. And he refused to get medication

I remember when I could hear Lauryn Hill everywhere, which started YEARS before her solo career. I never once thought, "Oh, fuck, not THIS again." I didn't necessarily relate to her lyrics (I find Doo-Wop (That Thing) a bit problematic in retrospect), but the sonic qualities were distinctive and enjoyable enough that

Let's not make poor Swift look worse by comparing her to the marvel that is Fiona Apple.