
They could have find more teeth with which to bite his dick off in the vortex! Really, they have only themselves to blame.

Well, we were like 14 at the time, so I was probably also a doofus.

Has it even occurred to you that Castro might have been an alien who transported women there via black hole vortex things?

When playing that stupid improv game where everyone pretends they're in a car, I started singing this. Nobody knew what I was referencing. I was humiliated. And you brought it all back. You monster.


He was a conflicted man, buying cars he couldn't afford and challenging Jay Leno to road races.

Ew, I hate myself for this, but my first thought was that he has been in a roofie loop for years, except instead of being Gob, Cosby is in a roofie, rape, repeat loop. Ew ew ew. I'll show myself out now.

If this season continues being decent, I'm not sure if I'd want them to end on a high note or do another season. I think they always said they wanted it to go 7 seasons, but we'll see.


Anyone who acts like they feel all JUDGED for something they did to themselves ON PURPOSE can fuck right off.

Wesley is set to take on a darker, more edgy role, playing an
antagonistic genius who pushes the boundaries of science and humanity.

They call it "Hero Hair" on the show. You think about that.

In space, we are all 25-year-old powerlifters.

Gauged lip piercings. Just why?

Isn't that the purpose of all obnoxious body mods, though?

I'm very sorry for your loss. It's difficult to lose someone that way, even if you are somewhat out of touch. In this case, unfortunately, you were so out of touch that he never confirmed your suspicions or asked for your support while he was alive. This is sad, but it was ultimately his decision and not your or your

". . . your mommy."

I think he's just using the anatomical term for the body part in question. The clit enlarges; it does not magically transform into a dick. Likewise, I'm sure he wouldn't start calling his vagina a "taint" or "scrotum" just because that's where those body parts would end up if he were a biological male.

As DR said, do we still use the term "pre-op"? I know a few trans individuals who don't want the operation just because it's expensive and can result in complications. It also implies that the operation is necessary because gender is physical instead of mental, and they won't be their actual gender unless they go

The worst thing I've seen as far as body mods go: EYEBALL TATTOOS. Also, eyeball implants, but the tattoos are so much worse. Idiots will actually risk blindness just to turn their sclera black or red or whatever. The mind, it boggles.