
I would think it would just move toward the surface of the skin like shrapnel. I have a friend who was in a car accident years ago who occasionally has shards of glass emerge every year or so.

I imagine that probably exacerbated your trypophobia.

Haha. I sometimes slap heads or hands because it feels too good. I'm pretty sure I'd perform an emergency surgery of sorts if someone slapped me while I was near their genitals, though, because double standard.

WHOOOO! Please tell me you didn't have stab yourself in the clit to do so!

Oh, you.

For sure. I don't really want the responsibility of creating a responsible, functional member of society. There's a big disconnect between my practicality and my hormones.

We are literally discussing permanent sterilization, then I see my friend's baby for a few days and I was like WAAAANT. Stupid ladybody.

Oh, you'll be the first person to know. And I'm 31.

So . . . I've never gotten the "NEED BABY NOW" ladyboner. I've been wanting babies more and more, but this never gives me a conscious desire to actually make them. Am I defective?

There was a time in college where my then-best friend and I synced. Since we were both prone to depression, this was a good and bad thing.

And yet we still haven't synced up to #samecycle. THE PILL IS A LIE.

Yeah, I know when I'm on the prowl I totally go for full-lipped men who lie about everything.

Yes, having mastered the art of "maybe jerking off a dog won't get me laid," you gracefully segued into, "I don't like or respect her, so I will try to hit that!"

Haha. One of my friends wears those things when we go to concerts. It's hilaristurbing.

For sure, love.

The Vampire Diaries review here:

It never occurred to me to use a wang as a cooking implement before. You may owe my boyfriend an apology.

It's not his fault his mom tells him to go downstairs on DVDA Wednesday.

Accola can pull just about anything off. And you're right, it is nice that she's upset over something platonic. I just miss the days when she was a bit more active. I wish, for example, that she had found Stefan instead of Enzo.