
Ugh. I'm finally cutting my psycho mom out of my life now, so this comment gives me anxiety. THANKS LURKY.

That sounds super fucking convoluted and terrible, but I'm glad it worked out for both of you. My brother is the only member of my nuclear family I can love on a consistent basis, so I'm pretty sure I would fall to pieces if we had a weird dynamic or trust issues at any point in there.

Oh, TOTALLY. I remember Laura feeling utterly humiliated that Mary had memorized more Bible verses than she had even though Mary was blind, and Laura feeling bad for not wanting to keep her corset tied up while she slept. Having Mary admit she was a proud, terrible child was wonderful. And in the end Laura put all her

Because of course she's Sarah. THEY WERE ALL SARAH!

I couldn't even count her ribs when she was fully clothed!

Huh. She has nothing on Fatness Everdeen.

Perhaps more all movies need David Bowie's balls.

Haha. Yeah, I love a culture that emphasizes that it isn't okay to hit anyone unless you are an adult white male.

I remember reading Little House in the Big Woods as a kid and being really confused by the parenting techniques at play. At one point, Laura slapped Mary for claiming that blonde hair is better than brown hair. Pa disciplined Laura by spanking her. "I told you not to strike your sister, so I will strike you," was the

Choosy Moms Choose Brazilian Waxes to Avoid Crabs, Living or Dead.


They don't really need to make Enzo likable, I suppose, but captivating would be nice. There's nothing unique about a male character killing someone as a reaction to his affection for a female character on this show. I mean, to put it in an episode that flashes back to Damon killing Jeremy in front of Elena, which was

I was kind of disappointed they got rid of the werewolves in the FIRST EPISODE. I don't even know where they're going to go from here. Hopefully to a place where Bex can come back to the show. I am looking forward to seeing how Mama Original and Sons are going to fuck things up, since I think she made a very good

I just hate to see Caroline cry over it, because she's been through way worse and she's usually so strong. http://tinyurl.com/mafdqme

This is the first time Elena isn't in love with either Salvatore and I for one couldn't be happier about it. I really hope they don't ruin it like that, but I imagine you could be right.

Hi! I forgot we were doing this here. I posted this on last week's review, but if anyone wants to stop by, I also put one up at the TI: http://tinyurl.com/mafdqme